Bushy growth but not tall


For some reason I can't get my plant taller it just bushes out at the bottom. I've raised the light higher to see if that helped but it just keeps getting new leaves on the lower parts... Any idea on how to get this a little taller she is a little over 2 weeks closer to 3 weeks



Well-Known Member
What type of lighting are you using for veg and what type do you plan on using for flower? LEDs and Fluros tend to make for shorter distance between nodes, but if you plan of flowering with hps, it will stretch, believe me! Looks like a healthy plant.


What type of lighting are you using for veg and what type do you plan on using for flower? LEDs and Fluros tend to make for shorter distance between nodes, but if you plan of flowering with hps, it will stretch, believe me! Looks like a healthy plant.
I'm using metal halide for veg and will be flowering with hps

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
genetics has a lot to do with it. plants produce a lot of hormones, some make them bushy, some make them tall.
a lot of nutes have these hormones without you knowing what they are. a lot of stuff with seaweed has cytokinins, if you spray your plant with cytokinins, you get a short shrub.
some will have trace amounts of gibberellic acid ,or 6-bap, then you get a tall lanky plant.