Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
If You bother to look at all my posts - and why on earth WOULD you - it’s almost like you're reading mindless garbage from another dimension. I'm obsessed with conspiracies and nonexistent cover-ups in hopes of forgetting about my lifeless/sexless existence, if only for a few moments.


Well-Known Member
Now, you and another have done the name calling.

Qualify those comments.

How am I naive

If you aren't capable then fuck off...if you are...I look forward to hearing how it is that YOU think I'm naive
You are naive to describe them as equally bad choices. Almost the very poster child of uninformed electorate.

Edit: The Very poster child...


Well-Known Member
Now, you and another have done the name calling.

Qualify those comments.

How am I naive

If you aren't capable then fuck off...if you are...I look forward to hearing how it is that YOU think I'm naive
TRUMP! supporters don't think you are naive. You are smart. You are not a Mexican are you?

Even if you are, here is how Trump will help African Americans. You guys are pretty much the same, right?

Watch the video. I found it persuasive.



Well-Known Member
it means you consider her to be the lesser of two evils...which backs up the point I made for which I'm being called naive
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