What shouldn't be 'for profit'?


Well-Known Member
Everything should be for profit.

You dont understand what a non-profit is....

It is simply a classification for tax purposes.

CEO'S of non-profits make millions upon millions of dollars...

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Damn it, I've got to reform the question in order to arrive at the right answer.

A forcible monopoly should not exist, therefore those kinds of things should not be profitable, nor should a forcible monopoly be the basis of systems like government which is really just a kind of forcible monopoly.

Consumers when they are "allowed" to have more choices are an important part of keeping markets honest.

So the answer is contained within a real free market, where all people are equal, having the ability to chose a service provider from a host of potentials or having the ability to become a free market service provider.. then the original post question becomes less relevant.

The present "allowed" alternative...Expecting a forcible monopoly to oversee, who can have a monopoly or to determine what is fair and what is not, is a form of circular illogic.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
could you please STFU. Wait I should not ask you like that...

just STFU

Should you be able to forcibly prevent other people from engaging in the same business as you do ?

Should your profit be limited to what a coercive monopoly says you are "allowed" to make ?

If you can't answer those questions, please be quiet.


Well-Known Member
Should you be able to forcibly prevent other people from engaging in the same business as you do ? depends on how they are running their business.

Should your profit be limited to what a coercive monopoly says you are "allowed" to make ? who tells me how much I can make. No one does this to me.

If you can't answer those questions, please be quiet. I did answer. Did they not give you your meds this morning ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member

Thank you for your rapid response.

It's important to realize if nobody is telling you "how much you can make" , that somebody IS telling you, under threat of force, how much you can keep though isn't it ?


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your rapid response.

It's important to realize if nobody is telling you "how much you can make" , that somebody IS telling you, under threat of force, how much you can keep though isn't it ?
I own laundromats operating off of coins. NO ONE tells me how much I make. I disclose how much I make. :lol:
Why is everything about force with you. I think it is due to your current situation.
Take your meds and listen to the people in the white coats. They are there to help you.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I own laundromats operating off of coins. NO ONE tells me how much I make. I disclose how much I make. :lol:
Why is everything about force with you. I think it is due to your current situation.
Take your meds and listen to the people in the white coats. They are there to help you.

But somebody or something does tell you how much you can keep right ? Under threat of force to you for disobedience, right ?

To answer your question...
Many human problems can be correctly resolved by identifying who has a right to do something or not. If we agree NOBODY has a right to use offensive force and EVERYBODY has a right to use defensive force and proceed along those lines finding solutions becomes much easier.

Meds? Thank you for the reminder. Today's morning med will be PineApple Chunk, followed by a mid day workout with wine and a dense indica later this evening. I'm not worried about men in white coats, but douches with badges who don't ascribe to my policy as described above can be worrisome.


Well-Known Member
But somebody or something does tell you how much you can keep right ? Under threat of force to you for disobedience, right ?

To answer your question...
Many human problems can be correctly resolved by identifying who has a right to do something or not. If we agree NOBODY has a right to use offensive force and EVERYBODY has a right to use defensive force and proceed along those lines finding solutions becomes much easier.

Meds? Thank you for the reminder. Today's morning med will be PineApple Chunk, followed by a mid day workout with wine and a dense indica later this evening. I'm not worried about men in white coats, but douches with badges who don't ascribe to my policy as described above can be worrisome.
ok as long as you realize that when you are mean and disrespectful to the "men in white coats" ( psychiatrist/psychologist ), they will have to call the "douches with badges" ( mental hospital security guards/ orderlies ).
Take your meds and do as they say. so you can continue to get your day room privileges.

no one has ever told me how much I can or can not make. I agree that some I make should go back into the pot that helped me make it. I love clean water and so does the people who wash clothes. Thanks America

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
ok as long as you realize that when you are mean and disrespectful to the "men in white coats" ( psychiatrist/psychologist ), they will have to call the "douches with badges" ( mental hospital security guards/ orderlies ).
Take your meds and do as they say. so you can continue to get your day room privileges.

no one has ever told me how much I can or can not make. I agree that some I make should go back into the pot that helped me make it. I love clean water and so does the people who wash clothes. Thanks America

So, in other words you are okay with some people taking a persons stuff, (the product of your labor) without your permission or agreement being needed?

Isn't that a primary element of slavery, somebody else taking the product of your labor without your permission ?

I agree that an agreement to be a real agreement requires the consent of the involved parties. So, if it rains, can I come to your house with a gun and enforce the agreement we never made for you to use the rain water?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
"i've got to answer an imaginary question that no one asked so i can stand on my soap box and preach my retarded philosophy of fail"

If people are pursuing answers to the wrong questions, they'll never get to the right answers for the right questions will they numbnuts?


Well-Known Member
Great question OP

My answer is war and all that comes with it.

No profiting from arms sales.

No profiting from the resources of a nation post occupation

Difficult to police, granted, but disincentivise war and you'll find fewer countries get invaded under false pretences...such as democracy