The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I really wanna get away from all these gimmick driven nutrients shit it's really piss in me off that's it's all the buzz word nutrients listed n a struggle to find just some fuckin silicone


Well-Known Member
g per w doesn't mean shit, it's totally arbitrary.

And the rest of that statement is hardly the point but I'm not going to pull it to bits. lol
I know it aint best practice but when ur in a tiny flat with 2 kids im lucky if i can even get in there twice a week lol, when we move i can spend some more time/effort/money on the grow etc but as it stands im fine with what i get out of it for 10mins effort a week lmao


Well-Known Member
Or flat is that cramped my grow supplies are spread out over 2 rooms and 5 different cupboards lmao, im well surprised the girls havent figured out the cupboards yet, either of them lol

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member

I've had those bottles years.

I've just started to use em in the regime again mind, I shelved em through laziness of not being arsed to work out the ratios and using Canna Mono's instead.


Well-Known Member
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I've had those bottles years.

I've just started to use em in the regime again mind, I shelved em through laziness of not being arsed to work out the ratios and using Canna Mono's instead.
Yeah I've a load of the monos cuz I think the canna floras lack alot of nutrients but that's waaaaay 2 much work man they're on amazing but can u even be bothered man? Like I reuse my soil n all but fuck it over a few quid lol but canna mono lines the best EVER

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Yeah I've a load of the monos cuz I think the canna floras lack alot of nutrients but that's waaaaay 2 much work man they're on amazing but can u even be bothered man? Like I reuse my soil n all but fuck it over a few quid lol but canna mono lines the best EVER
Sure I can be bothered.......

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It takes about 15 mins or so to mix and PH a 40L tub of feed water, it takes longer to PH it than it does to throw in feed liquids.
The 9-5 earns a lot less money for a lot more work/time out of your day.

I don't understand it at all, folk want (presumably) the best weed possible but they want it with as little effort and as easy as possible, practically grown for them. Yeah, seems legit! :roll:

Most folk these days would be fucked if they had to produce their own food. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Ah well I've always got tests going on randomly atm n I think the 2 I hoped were dbxl6 are they have slow veg growth but ill know for sure after flip