My new GP finally saw the light.


Well-Known Member
Well I've managed to educate my new family doctor enough that she is willing to sign me up for the new ACMPR program.

She had basically been refusing to do anything for me when it came to medical cannabis in the past, saying she didn't know enough about it, can't recommend dosages or how to ingest it.

She kindly pointed me in the direction of greenleaf and a few other cannabis clinics if I wanted to get a new license. Well I've had 4 visits with her since, and explained how those clinics are criminal, and are basically involved in extortion.
I told her it's a matter of principal for me, and refuse to have to go see some other doctor who doesn't know my history and is only there to charge me astronomical sums of money to access a natural safe alternative to the the opiates that I was previously taking.

Well today we finally had a break through. I told her I don't want her to prescribe me medical cannabis, what I want is for her to write me a "declaration" that basically states that I have a medical condition that I have chosen to use medical cannabis to treat. That I use 15g of dried cannabis per day. I know the harms that can arise from cannabis use and I am aware and we have discussed the other options available to me.

Immediately she was like "ya, I can do that, I just can't prescribe it to you or recommend dosages and that kind of thing because then I'm liable"

She was more that willing to sign a declaration of facts and that gives me all the information that HC requires for me to sign up for the ACMPR.

So I got an increase from my old MMAR from 7g per day to 15g per day, and I never ended up having to pay for shit!
Its not fair that we as patients have to find a way around the rules...i will be very interested to see what HC does. Good for you PK!

I don't think HC can do anything. The medical document doesn't have to come in a certain format, as long as they get all the info they need. I got the idea from this statement sent out to doctors by the college of family physicians of canada.

If you click the link and the click the "read position statement' link you'll see what I'm trying to say.
I did something similar a little over a week ago myself. Got myself a psychiatrist referral from my new family doctor and got the psychiatrist to give me a quick write up. Neither my doctor or the psychiatrist wanted anything to do with prescribing medical cannabis themselves but they had no problems with doing whatever i asked to help get someone else to do it.
Health Canada is such a big bag of dicks. Paper work returned. Guess I shouldn't have added that last page of the medical sample, now there claiming it's not original cause he signed saying he faxed it to them. But they don't have the fax to process? Anyways calling tomorrow, to trust the answer I get is another thing. Wait another 2 weeks for paperwork returned then 3 weeks for Dr app then send off again. Ffs.
Well I've managed to educate my new family doctor enough that she is willing to sign me up for the new ACMPR program.

She had basically been refusing to do anything for me when it came to medical cannabis in the past, saying she didn't know enough about it, can't recommend dosages or how to ingest it.

She kindly pointed me in the direction of greenleaf and a few other cannabis clinics if I wanted to get a new license. Well I've had 4 visits with her since, and explained how those clinics are criminal, and are basically involved in extortion.
I told her it's a matter of principal for me, and refuse to have to go see some other doctor who doesn't know my history and is only there to charge me astronomical sums of money to access a natural safe alternative to the the opiates that I was previously taking.

Well today we finally had a break through. I told her I don't want her to prescribe me medical cannabis, what I want is for her to write me a "declaration" that basically states that I have a medical condition that I have chosen to use medical cannabis to treat. That I use 15g of dried cannabis per day. I know the harms that can arise from cannabis use and I am aware and we have discussed the other options available to me.

Immediately she was like "ya, I can do that, I just can't prescribe it to you or recommend dosages and that kind of thing because then I'm liable"

She was more that willing to sign a declaration of facts and that gives me all the information that HC requires for me to sign up for the ACMPR.

So I got an increase from my old MMAR from 7g per day to 15g per day, and I never ended up having to pay for shit!

Did your Doc recommend a timeframe on the declaration? HC is insisting that the document has a shelf life of no more than 12 months at a time. If no timeline mentioned, HC will prolly return it as "incomplete". Perhaps ask the doc to add to the declaration, that this is the course of action you're taking for the next "12 months".
I think annual is know like the vets that have lost limbs, they have to justify their benefits...make sure that limb hasn't grown back....same with chronic diseases like diabetes...not going to go away but you need to renew scripts every year....
I think annual is know like the vets that have lost limbs, they have to justify their benefits...make sure that limb hasn't grown back....same with chronic diseases like diabetes...not going to go away but you need to renew scripts every year....
I get it... but that needs to change for some cannabis patients. I understand reasoning with some conditions and the drugs used, but cannabis is a natural health product, not a pharmaceutical. I'm treating pain and depression with a plant instead of the handful of chemicals they expected me to take for the rest of my life. There are minimal risks to long term use and I understand them fully. I have no interest in receiving medical treatment from anybody for anything, so forcing me to submit to a medical exam is intrusive and overbearing. I just have a real problem with having to continually beg some asshole doctor to allow me to grow a plant so I don't have to live in pain. Once legalization is implemented, the only reason to consult a doctor is to be allowed to grow. All the meds you want can be bought off a shelf without a prescription. A person with financial means will be free to treat themselves, but poor patients are expected to jump through hoops.