Mushrooms. Never again.


Well-Known Member
I turn into the teacher. I have all the answers, and you can ask me anything. I will learn you. You can bet your left testicle that you will learn if you listen to me. Music, drama, politics, religion. I have all the answers. If you don't get it, you mushed have misunderstood me.

I would like to take this time to publicly apologize for all the answers I may have given, songs I posted, or diatribes i may have written while under the influence of psylocibin. I am not a teacher, I am in fact a drunk loser who gets off on talking shit on a pot website because it gets my jollies off when I am not suffering through the trauma of trimming.

Thank you. I needed to say this.


Well-Known Member
I new you were tripping! Thought you were a schitzo for a minute
View attachment 3808085
I don't tell anyone this, but I am. I am and have been schizophrenic since forever now. It runs in my family, apparently. Was diagnosed in 2001. Serequel works - half of the time. When I am really fucked off, I have the most gnarly delusions. Visual, audible and tactile hallucinations. One time, when i was off my meds for 3 months straight, I was completely convinced that Hitler had submarines in the bay that were listening to my thoughts. I know it sounds ridiculous. but... I am not ashamed of my delusions anymore. This site has helped me so much. Does that sound pathetic or what?


Well-Known Member
I don't tell anyone this, but I am. I am and have been schizophrenic since forever now. It runs in my family, apparently. Was diagnosed in 2001. Serequel works - half of the time. When I am really fucked off, I have the most gnarly delusions. Visual, audible and tactile hallucinations. One time, when i was off my meds for 3 months straight, I was completely convinced that Hitler had submarines in the bay that were listening to my thoughts. I know it sounds ridiculous. but... I am not ashamed of my delusions anymore. This site has helped me so much. Does that sound pathetic or what?
Mental illness is a bitch and fuck serequil. I've taken over 30 different meds in the last 15 years. You ever been to the funny farm? Fuck that shit


Well-Known Member
Totally, but I'd hate to be the bad news bear, but mines bigger and not so straight, like a banana, that's why I don't shave I heard it makes it look bigger, I'm not tryn to scare em off ya dig?
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Well-Known Member
I don't tell anyone this, but I am. I am and have been schizophrenic since forever now. It runs in my family, apparently. Was diagnosed in 2001. Serequel works - half of the time. When I am really fucked off, I have the most gnarly delusions. Visual, audible and tactile hallucinations. One time, when i was off my meds for 3 months straight, I was completely convinced that Hitler had submarines in the bay that were listening to my thoughts. I know it sounds ridiculous. but... I am not ashamed of my delusions anymore. This site has helped me so much. Does that sound pathetic or what?
One of my best friends has very similar symptoms when he goes off his meds. I really feel for him, and you. Doesn't sound easy. You sounded trippy at the end of our PM last night, makes more sense now. Mushrooms no bueno...
