How many grams with 4000w?

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
images[6].jpg here Is what I do under 4000 watts . Cherry-Tomato-Cultivation[1].jpg just need to know how to space them and have light movers . this is the only think I grow . and or talk about growing . currently have my pc hacked by . so and so . so all my posts on roolitup are these plants pictured or I am totally full of shit . and I have a learning disability I plead mental insecurity . unable to tell the truth about my postings .


Well-Known Member
the 16x16 area is better.

you can yield 4pound+ , it depend ....
View attachment 3808422 here Is what I do under 4000 watts . View attachment 3808420 just need to know how to space them and have light movers . this is the only think I grow . and or talk about growing . currently have my pc hacked by . so and so . so all my posts on roolitup are these plants pictured or I am totally full of shit . and I have a learning disability I plead mental insecurity . unable to tell the truth about my postings .
Lay off the dope