The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Grow shop I go to is selling them cbd oils for e cigs I was a bit skeptical of it so the bloke behind the counter let me try it, all I can say is that was the smoothest smoke I've ever had, going back tomorrow to get one for me n one for our lass there's 3 flavours to pick from blueberry, strawberry fizz and a cheesecake the blueberry one has got to be the nicest.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Thanks mate. I'll watch that at work tonight. I could get a part time job to cover my direct debits. But if I had too much time on my hands I'd be off me nut all the time lol
Put some bent cash in the bank to cover your direct debit's, just no more than £1000 per transaction over the counter
or that will trigger money laundering flags at the bank and the cashier may start asking questions on a personal account.

Fill your free time with something enjoyable, traveling, hobby's (expensive hobby's like golf and motor racing and shit ;))

We work to live, not live to work. If you don't have to 'work' in the regular sense than do what the fuck you want cos your life is your own.

Enjoy it, eat out everyday with the Mrs for example (the rich don't fucking cook at at home!).

But yeah I can understand the boredom setting in, the rich cunts if they're not spending their time making MORE money they're just shopping and spending their cash on materialistic toys and things while doing silly amounts of coke.
Even billionaires, they just buy yachts and bigger houses and flashier clothes.

Which leads to that all important philosophical question...........why are we here. :confused:

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Grow shop I go to is selling them cbd oils for e cigs I was a bit skeptical of it so the bloke behind the counter let me try it, all I can say is that was the smoothest smoke I've ever had, going back tomorrow to get one for me n one for our lass there's 3 flavours to pick from blueberry, strawberry fizz and a cheesecake the blueberry one has got to be the nicest.

What's the point in paying someone else so you can smoke CBD oil that gives you no buzz when you can make oil with THC yourself out of your hash trim and actually get high for free?


Well-Known Member
Grow shop I go to is selling them cbd oils for e cigs I was a bit skeptical of it so the bloke behind the counter let me try it, all I can say is that was the smoothest smoke I've ever had, going back tomorrow to get one for me n one for our lass there's 3 flavours to pick from blueberry, strawberry fizz and a cheesecake the blueberry one has got to be the nicest.
Hurry up then as they are in the process of being made illegal to sell without a licence soon or something similar


Well-Known Member
So you're self employed and you have a drop ship mail order business.
But seriously, who the fuck is gonna ask any questions as to how you pay your bills?
Family, neighbors? Family can be blagged and everybody else can mind their own.

My intention is to blow glass art (I've most of the equipment already) because art is sold for subjective price compared to the cost of production, I could launder £1000+ a day with no bother at all.
I don't even have to produce anything, the kit can sit there and just look like it's being used.
And that's only because I do have nosey fucking neighbors, the old bird next door already thinks I sell car/truck parts in Poland via our lasses family recovery company, I source them from China and get them sent to Poland. It's a load of bollocks but it's stops the questions and all the parcels I get delivered (Ebay) helps to keep up the charade.

I'm in Bradford and there's so much bent business and money laundering here it's amazing.
Nearly every paki car wash you see owns a fucking limo or hire cars. Why? Because you can have an oldschool Lincoln limo just parked up doing fuck all and you can put £100 an hour through it's books, the flash stretch Hummers do more.

A group of smack/crack dealers opened up a take-away/pizza shop for money laundering on the main road by my house a couple of years ago and called it 'One&One' ffs, if that isn't a poke in the face of the law I don't know what is! :lol:

As for tax, income tax is paid purely voluntary and by self contract (unless you are employed by someone else, then the employer contracts).
They can only do you for tax evasion if they know who you are in the first place and you agree to play the game, don't contact HMRC and they don't know you exist it's quite simple.

Watch this video where the guy shows the exact wording on the HMRC self assessment website that explains it.

He explains a bit of tax history first but shows the self assessment form and the exact wording of the HMRC website at 6:00 so you can just skip to there if you want to see the relevant bit......

My Mrs is a self employed freelance interpreter/translator and does work for the NHS, Social Services and Crown Prosecution Service as well as private jobs for solicitors and shit.
She's been at it 10 years and gets £15+ per hour plus expenses, she's never once paid any tax or filled out a tax return.

She only pays tax on her part time/2 shifts a week job at the casino, and that's just because the casino pay income tax straight out of her wage like everybody else who's employed by a 3rd party.

I have an illegal CCJ (long story) out against me and the company applied for an Attachment Of Earnings order to get the £6000 back.
Even an attachment of earnings order can only be enforced against someone who is employed by a 3rd party and not against somebody who is self employed! It says so right on the 'declaration of earnings' form that you have to send back.

If there's no contract there's no problem. ;)
i told my bro to ring tax office about rebates a while ago,hed been working 4 year on sites.
i didnt know he could claim out.but we tried...
Well on the phone the woman said he was in luck cos after 3 -4 year his account resets??
but he could claim all his tax backup u til then,he never knew what to expect but still he got about £ 1200 easily nowt to shout about better than a foot up arse.:peace:
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The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
E-cigs are the biggest illogical thing around at the moment in my eyes.

Use an E-cig to ween yourself off nicotine sure, but nobody does that.
Folk just stop smoking cigs and swap it for the nicotine in an E-cig with no intention of stopping.

They're still addicted to a useless drug that gives no pleasurable/positive effect.........'nicotine'.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
i told my bro to ring tax office about rebates,hed been working 4 year on sites.
i didnt know he could claim out.but we tried
Well on the phone the woman said he was in luck cos after 3 year it dissapears but he could claim all his tax back,he git about 1200 nowt to shout about better than a foot uo arse.:peace:
She's given him a bit of false information there.
It's actually 5 years if you can prove where you worked. ;)

Look into that yourself.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Yea he coyldnt mind and had no payslips it was a gift at the time.
Well you just have to be able to prove where you worked however you can do that (a letter from an employer for example).

It's up to HMRC to actually do the work by going back into their records and suss the tax paid in that time and any rebate due, although they'll try and tell you otherwise to make their job easier.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
So my Neem oil, emulsifier and Pyrethrum 5EC has landed from Ebay today.

The Pyrethrum comes in a little 'Cannazyme' type container but without a paper seal underneath the lids and the lids don't fit very well, it had leaked inside the Jiffy bag it was sent in and at £13 ish for 100ml I'm not best pleased.

And I didn't realise that Neem oil is pretty much a solid at room temperature it's so thick. lol
Sit the bottle in a pan of hot water to get the cunt out or what?
Make up a spray with hot water too before it goes on the plants?
Does it not thicken up once the solution goes cold?



Well-Known Member
So my Neem oil, emulsifier and Pyrethrum 5EC has landed from Ebay today.

The Pyrethrum comes in a little 'Cannazyme' type container but without a paper seal underneath the lids and the lids don't fit very well, it had leaked inside the Jiffy bag it was sent in and at £13 ish for 100ml I'm not best pleased.

And I didn't realise that Neem oil is pretty much a solid at room temperature it's so thick. lol
Sit the bottle in a pan of hot water to get the cunt out or what?
Make up a spray with hot water too before it goes on the plants?
Does it not thicken up once the solution goes cold?

The neem should become liquid at room temp or maybe a little higher and needs to be mixed with luke-warm water(24degC) and a little potassium silicate to emulsify.

If I'm makin a liter of spray(scale up as required), I get a jam jar put some warm water in, add a tsp neem oil and 2-3ml of potasium silicate, put the lid back on and shake it up to fuck, then add that to the rest of the warm's nasty stuff really which is why the bugs don't like it and I'd use a separate sprayer to what you normally foliar with


Well-Known Member
These are Cree cxa3070 COBS running at 360W in a 3x3, they defo work and they're now considered 'old tech', better can now be bought at cheaper prices. I'm in the process of converting my main grow room to them as well, got three 600w digi and two 600w mag ballasts for sale if anyone's interested LOL

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thats all fluff and brown pistils, is that the lights fault?