I'm furious - Last night...


Well-Known Member
in albuquerque he'd have been shot, if not by you, by your neighboors... too many meth labs too close together people dont tolorate shady shit like that here, I'd have swung openly on his car untill he drove off, i use a 9 iron, punches holes that cant be filled with bondo.
damn, true but not always that option.
but i do know alot of pple just like that tho.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, listen to this guy... maybe you'll be sharing the same prison cell next year.
i cant go to prison bro so sorry no celly for me.. it's a different place here, too many crack heads and meth labs for cops to deal with petty shit like an asskickin.. just stick to my #1 rule NO ONE KNOWS WHERE YOU LIVE not even your friends, my cell phone is in a chicks name, my rent is cash, no paperwork on me, other than the va i dont exist.


Well-Known Member
this was totally an ordeal the popo could have dealt with so easily.
shit, here apd has a 45 min response time, and all they do is file a report. nothing, nothing nothing else, and if your car gets stolen you have to pay the 150 to get it out of impound. this place is pretty fucked.


Well-Known Member
i cant go to prison bro so sorry no celly for me.. it's a different place here, too many crack heads and meth labs for cops to deal with petty shit like an asskickin.. just stick to my #1 rule NO ONE KNOWS WHERE YOU LIVE not even your friends, my cell phone is in a chicks name, my rent is cash, no paperwork on me, other than the va i dont exist.
exactly what i said
thing is tho people who talk like you usually get tore off.
You gotta watch what you say on here pple just come in and say shit they have no exp on.
If you handle ya shit right theres no worries of getting tore off like you said.


Well-Known Member
shit, here apd has a 45 min response time, and all they do is file a report. nothing, nothing nothing else, and if your car gets stolen you have to pay the 150 to get it out of impound. this place is pretty fucked.
This is what I been sayin, its report and keep it moving.
Wont go to court or no shit like that


Well-Known Member
this thread is crazy. total "hood shit". gonna kill a guy for honking. i'd hate to do something "bad" to any of yous. :)
lol i live in a crip neighborhood, me and my bro are the only white dudes on my street.

fdd, outside of this forum- i dont think you would associate with many of these people. lol.

no offense to anyone.
i don't associate with people outside this forum.. so none taken

Well personally I would have him over for a nice glass of lemon aid and politely explain to him how he has upset you and that you no longer wish to be his friend if he can't act appropriately. Then stab him in the eye.
dude, the homie sounds like a tweaker, you have to stab them first or they wont listen..


Well-Known Member
dude im not a pussy or something but beating aint gonna help you said this kid is a huge doofy looking ...keeo it easy you dont want the police at your home !


stays relevant.
i cant go to prison bro so sorry no celly for me.. it's a different place here, too many crack heads and meth labs for cops to deal with petty shit like an asskickin.. just stick to my #1 rule NO ONE KNOWS WHERE YOU LIVE not even your friends, my cell phone is in a chicks name, my rent is cash, no paperwork on me, other than the va i dont exist.
There is always time for the police to deal with that... especially if the suspect claims to be the victim, and claims you escaped and he was being beaten by you with a gun, and you threatened to kill him...

100% chance of you serving serious time for something stupid.


Well-Known Member
addicts, crack heads, tweekers, all the same, and the only way to make sure they dont fuck with you is to make sure they're more afraid of you than the police, thats how crack dealers control their subjects like gods among insects.


Well-Known Member
addicts, crack heads, tweekers, all the same, and the only way to make sure they dont fuck with you is to make sure they're more afraid of you than the police, thats how crack dealers control their subjects like gods among insects.
they must never seen what a dealer will do to a switch who pops off i guess.


Well-Known Member
dude im not a pussy or something but beating aint gonna help you said this kid is a huge doofy looking ...keeo it easy you dont want the police at your home !
naw who said you were?
i told mayle he wont a bitch for walking away


Well-Known Member
There is always time for the police to deal with that... especially if the suspect claims to be the victim, and claims you escaped and he was being beaten by you with a gun, and you threatened to kill him...

100% chance of you serving serious time for something stupid.
his word against yours, litigation would be thrown out right away due to lack of evidence, plus if you never give a statement, let your lawyer do it, nothing ties you to the crime, our legal system is flawed, it requires you to tie yourself to the crime by incriminating yourself on some level. you never give a statement doesn't matter if its murder 1 you walk in 10 days because they cant hold you any longer than that without a statement. and never talk to anyone on the inside, they knock time off people's sentences to get you to ratt on yourself. i handle sketchy addicts with a fist to the throat, and when they try to recover keep em down untill they say they're done. kick em in the face and call it a day, treat em like they're dealers do and they'll fear you too. they'll never repect you no matter how nice you are, but you can make them fear you. explosions assault rifles scare the shit out of em, so do machete's.


Well-Known Member
police wouldn't have even come up to my neighborhood had I called them. only if tax paying home owner called. and if that was the case, I'd be getting into trouble too.

my dad has told me from a young age, walk away from stupid thing's like name calling. but when someone disrespects you big time, then go ahead and do your thing.

not in those words though.
I'm not gonna get arrested or anything, I'm going to beat someone up...it's a normal thing. and breaking his wind shield would just be hilarious, maybe I won't do that, but I know that one of my friends will


Well-Known Member
The prison system works better than crack head mind games.
my girl works for the prison, she's a shrink, dude it doesnt work. they prep them for repeat business, and just make them worse. prison system isnt functional for anything other than drawing revenue from tax dollars. those cash cows make some individuals and some agencies in the gov a pretty penny.


Well-Known Member
just do what i do.....call him on the phone and tell him you cant get the pills...and that your kind of pissed off cause of the hole honking incident... but tell him youll let it go if he stops trippin... handle your bussiness like a man..... If hes still tripping and comes to your house all craxy ....do what i would do ..... wait to see if he pushes you... hes gotta make the first move ... dont get sucka punched.... be waiting... youl know when to swing... i would hate to get six months of anger management along wit court fees for whoopin his ass..... if he pushes you or touches you first... hitting him will be self defense....hopefully you can handle this over the phone tho....goood luck.