anyone knowingly trip 24+ hours?

Yeah on dextramethorphan, that shit will keep you up all night if you fight the first 30 minutes of sleepiness! Feels like your running on clouds and you don't have any fear or pain, just straight energy and a bit of a disoriented feeling...
fuck it at this point, I ain't as high as before but my body has all sorts of cells fucking caked in amph's and therefore it's holding my frontal lobe at fucking gunpoint with no end in sight.

I feel iffy now though, not right, im not sick but damn, no sleep since Thursday night. Yes I feel the acute sense of psychosis that only fucking grows in double damage by every 12 hours.

lol but who gives a fuck, work hard play hard

try washing your meth m8, sounds like its got some over and or under reduced psudo in it. or if p2p, could have some murcury salts left in it or if shake'n'bake, lithium salt traces and other shit, clean meth should keep u going for a week or so b4 you need to crash,sleep,eat and start all over again. Rudi
Just be thankfull its not 4MAR, lasts 16 hours and my mates were burning each other for shits'n'giggles just to pass the time after 7 days'n'nights
fuck it at this point, I ain't as high as before but my body has all sorts of cells fucking caked in amph's and therefore it's holding my frontal lobe at fucking gunpoint with no end in sight.

I feel iffy now though, not right, im not sick but damn, no sleep since Thursday night. Yes I feel the acute sense of psychosis that only fucking grows in double damage by every 12 hours.

lol but who gives a fuck, work hard play hard

I've been up since Wednesday I think brain damage is setting in. Haven't had my meds since who knows. Psychosis could be a reality for me :(
Drink water move around if you get vasoconstriction do some light walking like walk a block and back but all in all should be fun
2.5-3 days on 17 hits of lsd
“We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.
Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can.”
“We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.
Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can.”
87a9e525c49d6230929bc8fe73573cb0.jpg images-40.jpg 2016-10-24-19-52-50--799902684.jpg images-39.jpg
back in the late 80s i had a hookup for books of really good blotter, think i stayed fucked up most of two years....i think.
i worked as a maintenance man in a building that had a restaurant on the top floor. thought i was getting off in a few minutes one day, so i ate about 4 hits, then got told i had to take the crystals off of the chandelier, run them all through the dish machine, then put them back up....200 crystals had to come off while i was on a ladder, with the sun shining through 200 prisms at me.....then go back up...
back in the late 80s i had a hookup for books of really good blotter, think i stayed fucked up most of two years....i think.
i worked as a maintenance man in a building that had a restaurant on the top floor. thought i was getting off in a few minutes one day, so i ate about 4 hits, then got told i had to take the crystals off of the chandelier, run them all through the dish machine, then put them back up....200 crystals had to come off while i was on a ladder, with the sun shining through 200 prisms at me.....then go back up...
did anyone try batman & robins? double sided blotters IIRC (thats a laugh IIRC, still can't renember wot i did yesterday :) )
or there was one, the picture was made up of 4 blotters, sunshine or something like that (could have been a picture was made up of the 4)?
Used to trip during weekends during the late 90s. Acid was plentiful around the area. Did a lot of it with my gf at the time. Pulled a few weekend long trips. Stopped after I split with her to focus on life/future. I don't miss acid. It was just a thing to do at the time really.
I enjoy tripping on mushrooms every few months. Just take a few days and have a blast with them.
An associate of mine cultivates and his shrooms are consistently good.
But hell I've had shroom trips that last for multiple days with just pacing myself and eating them.
Did it over the holidays last year.