(HS) Jibber Jabber Thread

No matter how much ice or any drug I consume; it is impossible to understand this Legendary Gentleman's Euphoria, he seems to be on some 4th Dimension amphetamine.

What an outstanding, magnificent performance, unparalleled, one can only image what is going through his mind and what it's like while dishing out his heart into note.

many hidden gems in the world, but appreciated that just much more.

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I may as well go balls deep in my mathematics career, I might be a silly character for everyone's enjoyment including myself as a vague form of self healing therapy- but

I am a smarter bubba than most people assume- and with many branches of intelligence people learn depending on geography, religion, etc, it was likely that indeed we eventually recognize the scientific and realistic approaches towards eternal oblivion as likely truth. I share the what I see as fortunate compassion to hear out and analyze all suggested ideas about life after death and remain definite neutral in personal opinion about such.

I have been having dark thoughts lately, not evil like harming animals n shit but, oh despair, you come with intelligence. sadness. Just makes us all appreciate the now- for what it is.

Teach me thy ways @undercoverfbi teach me thy ways :)

Damn mailman pissed me off today your SIG makes me think of this so here it is- left my house on break to go back to work. I should be getting some fruit loops, and I can smell them across the street. But fruity Fred flinstoned is over there delivering mail at the neighbors.
So I wait.
And wait
And I wait some more
Then fuck man gotta be back to work so I can go to the post office myself for some bills....

Damnit Mr postman a letter did come for me and you wanted to keep it for later
whelp shiit. Howdy to you kind gentlemen who help keep a community alive and healthily full of spirit.

Should any of you guys ever decide you want some ice cream and not mushroom pizza for a picnic away from life's stresses


There is no alternative to the real ice. Pure Maethematics. you know your brothers in arms love you when they gift you shards instead of flake

Don't approach such a cold smoke with societies general disapproval of your choice to go frosty for a day or three.

Ice cream is not as fucking cold as it the media or people unfortunately portray it to be.

Just hold a comparison of alcohol and that- just like booze, take a lil say 5, 10 min, do some more, see how you feel, call it good or do just and only one more to really feel buzzing. Never go overboard.

Have a couple hours planned out to be in an environment that will please your mind set, grab a gallon of water or maybe two gatorades; stay hydrated and aware.

Smoking won't cause OD only shooting up needles will. Just remember, shits like alcohol or smoking some dabs, no need to underestimate or exaggerate.

Eat before ice cream, dinner, then dessert.

I find it best to eat as much ice cream as you can in sessions so that you don't end up not achieving your desired buzz while also considering getting rid of your ice cream as fast as possible cuz if the shit sticks around and a bad kid leaves the school door open, you bet your ass the summer heat will melt it soon enough and you just might unfortunately and very-statistically-plausible getting some attention and unwanted disciplining from the hall monitor.

Stay safe. Fuck I went hard this weekend lol but it was fun and functional. Now I ride off my buzz with some beer and weed, cuz being up all weekend is a big fucking no no

shit will seriously wake you up and blossom your work, cleaning or artistic skills ya'll, it's fucking gnalry


lol too true
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View attachment 3810406

Teach me thy ways @undercoverfbi teach me thy ways :)

Damn mailman pissed me off today your SIG makes me think of this so here it is- left my house on break to go back to work. I should be getting some fruit loops, and I can smell them across the street. But fruity Fred flinstoned is over there delivering mail at the neighbors.
So I wait.
And wait
And I wait some more
Then fuck man gotta be back to work so I can go to the post office myself for some bills....

Damnit Mr postman a letter did come for me and you wanted to keep it for later
since when did u do crystal? lol
View attachment 3810406

Teach me thy ways @undercoverfbi teach me thy ways :)

Damn mailman pissed me off today your SIG makes me think of this so here it is- left my house on break to go back to work. I should be getting some fruit loops, and I can smell them across the street. But fruity Fred flinstoned is over there delivering mail at the neighbors.
So I wait.
And wait
And I wait some more
Then fuck man gotta be back to work so I can go to the post office myself for some bills....

Damnit Mr postman a letter did come for me and you wanted to keep it for later
That shard looks mighty familiar ;) Texas dope is were it's at
Do believe I may be ready to graduate and dabble in a brief but memorable amount of poppy blaack tahrr just to see what the other part of yin yang is like.

call me tarded' but I swear to Allah this song is about smoking heroin, oh you Europeans

Fuck it, THIS THREAD NEEDS MOAR HARDCORE. I never was truly aware of how legit this genera of music can be. Fucking sick as hell, me like. Take my word, this song is the bee's fucking knees

probably my favorite hardcore song below, so you know it must be some good, uniquely produced shit
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Do believe I may be ready to graduate and dabble in a brief but memorable amount of poppy blaack tahrr just to see what the other part of yin yang is like.

call me tarded' but I swear to Allah this song is about smoking heroin, oh you Europeans

Fuck it, THIS THREAD NEEDS MOAR HARDCORE. I never was truly aware of how legit this genera of music can be. Fucking sick as hell, me like. Take my word, this song is the bee's fucking knees

probably my favorite hardcore song below, so you know it must be some good, uniquely produced shit
Do believe I may be ready to graduate and dabble in a brief but memorable amount of poppy blaack tahrr just to see what the other part of yin yang is like.

call me tarded' but I swear to Allah this song is about smoking heroin, oh you Europeans

Fuck it, THIS THREAD NEEDS MOAR HARDCORE. I never was truly aware of how legit this genera of music can be. Fucking sick as hell, me like. Take my word, this song is the bee's fucking knees

probably my favorite hardcore song below, so you know it must be some good, uniquely produced shit
whos that in you're new avatar?

sup ya'll, hope you guys stayed strong and sane through the rough Mondays that commonly plague a metric shit ton of us stoners, drinkers and druggies alike.

Live for the weekends though this just means one more day closer to FRIEDday

@Mr. Bongwater bongwater, you need to check this video out to answer your question

Shit man I know the feeling of suicide Tuesday.

At least I know what im doing for work- being passenger during long mountain drive to job site and being G2G to be feeling mmmmeeeellloowww due to my requirements and responsible opportunity.

gonna be a good fucking day tomorrow bro, shiiiiittt. You guys are the best, this thread is self therapy for myself.
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