Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
The more I read the TRUMP!ista's shit, the more it reminds me of the 1939 "History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union." The rhetoric and bombast that they "use" is reminiscent of the purges and anti-Trotsky movement.

I really wish this country had fewer of these people. I wonder if Putin will take them.


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Well-Known Member
This trump push has given us all renewed insights as to how low americans can go. I'm not a proud american, I'm afraid. I'm embarrassed.
This election has changed me. When I next find myself in a conversation about the rise of fascism with a German - I will probably be a bit more humble and less judgemental. My respect for my fellow American is at an all time low. It would be nice if they all got TRUMP! tattoos so we can tell them apart from normal people.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Haha,anti establishment Democrat film maker Michael Moore from my state has seen Hillary can't be trusted & switched over to supporting Donald Trump,citing the american peoples unwillingness to stand for corrupt government any longer as his reason .

The best anti Hillary corruption pro Trump speech I've ever heard & its from one of the hardest left democrats alive .



Well-Known Member
Haha,anti establishment Democrat film maker Michael Moore from my state has seen Hillary can't be trusted & switched over to supporting Donald Trump,citing the american peoples unwillingness to stand for corrupt government any longer as his reason .

The best anti Hillary corruption pro Trump speech I've ever heard & its from one of the hardest left democrats alive .

Wow, lol, you really ARE retarded!

(Pssssstttt....he was mocking rabid dummies like you. Obvious to anyone with an IQ above 60.)


Well-Known Member
Haha,anti establishment Democrat film maker Michael Moore from my state has seen Hillary can't be trusted & switched over to supporting Donald Trump,citing the american peoples unwillingness to stand for corrupt government any longer as his reason .

The best anti Hillary corruption pro Trump speech I've ever heard & its from one of the hardest left democrats alive .

Doesn't it seem funny that you guys now support: Michael Moore, Lou Farrakhan, Don King, Julie Assange and Vlad Putin? Ya lie down with dogs you get fleas - batshit crazy fleas.

You are dumb and have no shame. You are too dumb to even get the clip you posted. I would laugh at you but it doesn't feel good anymore. You are a sad shell of a man.

Show us your swastikii!


Well-Known Member
Wow, lol, you really ARE retarded!

(Pssssstttt....he was mocking rabid dummies like you. Obvious to anyone with an IQ above 60.)
Doesn't it seem funny that you guys now support: Michael Moore, Lou Farrakhan, Don King, Julie Assange and Vlad Putin? Ya lie down with dogs you get fleas - batshit crazy fleas.

You are dumb and have no shame. You are too dumb to even get the clip you posted. I would laugh at you but it doesn't feel good anymore. You are a sad shell of a man.

Show us your swastikii!
His sole purpose is to irritate, not illuminate.

He's too stupid for either.

white pride my ass


Well-Known Member
I read emails all the time,damn spam. When you clowns come up with a real crime let me know, you idiots have been crying wolf for too many years to take seriously.
You've been presented with real crimes countless times. You don't care. You will care if Hiliary wins. You'll be dancing in the street in November 2016. By November 2020, you'll be living in the streets.


Well-Known Member
Ah yes... Dumbicrats.

Kyle Schwarber got injured by the Hillary Clinton Crime Cabal as a warning. He wandered into a Clinton Cocaine Hookup while he was in a farm team. He was going to testify and blow the whole thing up until they "gave him a little message".
Schwarber is lucky to be alive. Unlike my gold fish who were exterminated with thousands of other pets, and the 347 humans.

He must have donated to the election committee. Thank goodness!
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