anyone knowingly trip 24+ hours?

DOC or any DOx compound lasts fucking forever.
Took me a long time to find the perfect dosage where I dont puke my guts out.
3.5MG to be specific. ANy higher I puke for a good hour.
However, DOC has given me some crazy trips and some mad GASS!!
Like I said I aborted it with a Latuda(anti psychotic like seroquil)
Didnt see that, sorry.
yeah those drugs work well when you freak the fuck out or on a new drug and its waaay to long.
How did you like it compared to L or Shrooms?
I found that at high dosages I would be in a differant world, I would hear shit too clear as day.
Didnt see that, sorry.
yeah those drugs work well when you freak the fuck out or on a new drug and its waaay to long.
How did you like it compared to L or Shrooms?
I found that at high dosages I would be in a differant world, I would hear shit too clear as day.
I kept forgetting were I was thought I was fighting in ww3 or something were the Pope was covered in Illuminati symbols fuck nuts. I prefer shrooms or DMT for a real trip tho DOC kinda seems like a psychotic day dream or something I went for a walk and got lost half a block from home lol
i'd like to eat a fuck ton of lsd to see where it takes me but im worried about hppd its pretty bad as it is

i'll probually have another 200 ug sometime, stuff never fails to blow my mind lol
i took supposedly 4 mg and found it as intense as 200 ug of lsd the day before
It was mostly like a dream it was all in my mind mostly except when I looked in the mirror my face kept changing colors and shapes and I felt I was changing. After the main trip was over I took a psych cocktail to end it. With no body to talk to, no wifi, no TV, all by my self it was uncomfortable. But on Friday I took 5 hits 25B and danced at a rave. But I didn't really trip because of cross tolerance. I got so hot I almost passed out. I tripped for 3 dates straight and on Saturday I sat at the bar surrounded by people and thought " But realy your all alone, you have nobody." I sat outside a church at 2am and started screaming then walked 3 miles home balling my eyes out.. got home, took my meds, then slept for 2 days.. obviously DOC, 25B, meth and 4 days no sleep don't mix. -Knowingly tripped 96+ hours-
i'd like to eat a fuck ton of lsd to see where it takes me but im worried about hppd its pretty bad as it is

i'll probually have another 200 ug sometime, stuff never fails to blow my mind lol
Ive never done acid but I have 5 hits on the way. I think I'm gonna take 3 hits, turn out the lights then turn on my audio Bible and talk to God and some Bible charactes. Thinking about which book would be best. Obviously not Revelations fuck that!
Eat 30mg of Xanax and you'll gracefully skip a week

Newbs trip like bambi
I'm not a new but 7mg DOC, 8hits 25B total and about a G and 1/2 Crystal for 4 day and not taking my meds on top of that? It's called psychoses brother. I've smoked DMT 200+ times and taken 100s of Gs shrooms in my life 15Gs being the highest. Not a new definitely. That Nbome feels very unhealthy. I have 7 hits left out a hundred. I doubt I'll ever touch it again. I