Hillary busted agan by Weiner's hacked phone


Well-Known Member
Cute, but predictable that you would try to use what I pointed out had allegorical significance to your racist fixation.

But amuse yourself w/ my "gayness" if it will help you deny that the criminal is starting to be honestly seen by her delusion-ally witless minions.

Cankles For Prison!
So, when Hil wins in 9 days you'll be leaving the site as well, choom? Plan on taking your piss-drenched socks with you, or are you leaving them behind to be tormented into oblivion? :lol:

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
It's ok. A lot of people fell for the whole "hope and change" slogan. What matters now is that you're ready to help make America great again. You've seen the light, and ready to vote for Trump. Welcome home brother.
It felt good donating the max to the trump campaign before he won the primary,it felt even better voting in the primary ,it feels better everyday we see Hillary exposed for the career criminal she is,it feels better yet proving how shallow & morally bankrupt 90% of Hillary's voters are after they see the total corruption yet vote for her still,it feels better again knowing Hillary supporters can no longer preach lies from their soap box about the most corrupt 2 politicians in US history

What will feel best of all come Nov 8th is when Donald Trumps name changes to President Trump for the rest of his life,I have no doubt the next 8 years will be Trump years & america can finally wipe our asses with the fraud of modern liberalism .

I'd give anything I have,pay any amount needed just to see the look on the Clinton's faces after every last dollar the phoney Clinton foundation has ,plus the millions they have personally are seized & forfeited by a Trump Attorney general,using the same Rico laws that seized my assets & took my home for growing weed ,fucking priceless because they'll now never get to spend a dime of the money they laundered,even heir apparent Chelsea will be stripped .


Well-Known Member
the FBI director should be fired.....briefing congress on ongoing investigations is a HUGH breech of law enforcement protocol....he should be charged with obstructing justice.


Well-Known Member
the FBI director should be fired.....briefing congress on ongoing investigations is a HUGH breech of law enforcement protocol....he should be charged with obstructing justice.
It is well within the FBI directors job description to notify Congress that an investigation is taking place. He doesn't work for Loretta Lynch. If he he feels it's necessary to do so, he can. There are absolutely no grounds for termination.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
You must work for the Clinton Cartel. If anybody's life is in immediate danger, it's Weiner aka Carlos Danger. Right now Hillary's top priority is to stop a plea deal by any means necessary. Dead men can't testify.
Another weightlifting accident possibly since digby danger is proud of his abs :bigjoint:

With wikileaks 21 ,the new email fiasco involving Obama & others,plus the tape Israel leaked of Hillary openly talking about america rigging elections while she was sec of state,its over,we all know Trump was going to win the popular vote by a huge margin but Hillary owned the electoral vote,that's finished now,the electoral college knows full well if they cast votes bought by Hillary it will mean the instant death of the entire electoral college system ,Donald Trump just won the presidency yesterday and we saw it unfold, only these cry babies are too self absorbed to admit it,but deep down they know,riu went thru lots of shitty diapers yesterday :lol:

Today is about putting on their " Brave " faces & attempting damage control .

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Wikileaks 22 is now out & adding more fuel ( Proof ) to the firestorm around Hillary.

James Comeys excuse of "lack of intent" just collapsed,Hillary's intent to break multiple laws now proven,all cites needed on wikileaks,or you can watch a quick run down by huff post where they actually don't spin to make Hillary look better .

Now we have proof Turkey bought past & future favors from Hillary,stick a fork in her because she's cooked !


Well-Known Member
the FBI director should be fired.....briefing congress on ongoing investigations is a HUGH breech of law enforcement protocol....he should be charged with obstructing justice.
He's a dead man walking and you're going to castigate him for covering his ass?

Impeachment is an absolute certainty if he sat on it until after the election.
They wanted the previous "case results" announcement to happen before the election so they have to break this news before it too.

You are correct that all other previous administrations have sat on things until after the election to make sure the release wouldn't influence it. But all other previous administrations have gotten us to where we are today and with the "leaks" creating this type of chaos and showing us exactly how corrupt and duplicitous our gov't (in their own words even!) is, do you really think that we should keep doing things the way that got us here?
Perhaps it's time to break precedent.


Well-Known Member
Wikileaks 22 is now out & adding more fuel ( Proof ) to the firestorm around Hillary.
James Comeys excuse of "lack of intent" just collapsed,Hillary's intent to break multiple laws now proven,all cites needed on wikileaks,or you can watch a quick run down by huff post where they actually don't spin to make Hillary look better .
Now we have proof Turkey bought past & future favors from Hillary,stick a fork in her because she's cooked !
It does seem the MSM has been given the green light to throw Hillary under the bus finally as even with all the manipulation they have pulled this election it's only helped to hasten their insignificance and push people to alt media.

Now TPTB are realizing that their hold on old school media and it's influence is waning and they are trying to keep that tool used to prop up Hitlery from being completely obliterated right now.

Freddie Millergogo

Well-Known Member
He's a dead man walking and you're going to castigate him for covering his ass?

Impeachment is an absolute certainty if he sat on it until after the election.
They wanted the previous "case results" announcement to happen before the election so they have to break this news before it too.

You are correct that all other previous administrations have sat on things until after the election to make sure the release wouldn't influence it. But all other previous administrations have gotten us to where we are today and with the "leaks" creating this type of chaos and showing us exactly how corrupt and duplicitous our gov't (in their own words even!) is, do you really think that we should keep doing things the way that got us here?
Perhaps it's time to break precedent.
Everybody and their brother has the Clinton Foundation, DNC, Huma, Hillary emails. Kim.com told Congress how to go to the NSA in 5 easy steps to retrieve ALL of Hillary's emails.

Clintons, Kerry, Oboma, Hollywood and others declared war on Kim.Com, Jualian Assange and WikiLeaks. Bog mistake. Kim and Assange have thousands of programmers and hackers who will gladly help them. My guess is there are people in the NSA, DIA and other areas also leaking. This what happens in totally corrupt govts.

The leaks will keep coming.

Great stuff.

Freddie Millergogo

Well-Known Member
It does seem the MSM has been given the green light to throw Hillary under the bus finally as even with all the manipulation they have pulled this election it's only helped to hasten their insignificance and push people to alt media.

Now TPTB are realizing that their hold on old school media and it's influence is waning and they are trying to keep that tool used to prop up Hitlery from being completely obliterated right now.

The leaks will keep coming relentlessly. They made an enemy with Assange and Kim.com. They have an army of hacker friends around the world. Dumbass Howard Dean and others can keep screaming Putin and Russians but almost anyone could have hacked these amazingly corrupt and stupid people.

Relaying emails through yahoo mail, Hillary server and Carlos Danger's lap top. Ha ha. Idiots like their followers and the MSM,
More popcorn please.