sooo i got this interview


Well-Known Member
I have this job interview in 4 days, but I have to take a UA like all jobs make you take. I just smoked 3 different strains of dro today, but it takes awhile for it to get out of your system. Do you think if i stop for 4 days i can pass? My friend told me that if you smoke on the day of your UA that it won't go through so could I just do that? I don't really have the money to spend those 50 or 60 dollar items to help you pass. Are there any tricks????


Well-Known Member
lol idk I think if you smoke on the day of your test, your fucked. I smoked the day before a drug test and failed. it.


Well-Known Member
Well... Sorry... But not really any tricks.. If you don't want to buy those urine products, then you can just try a SHITLOAD of water, and juices... Just make sure you don't drink soo much that your sample is diluted... Your BEST bet is to go find a shop that has powdered urine or smething like that. They are only like 30 dollars. not 50 or 60. (I know its still alot but hey!) And if you got any ganja left, then just sell some... (i know it sucks but think about the larger amount you can get with a job!)


Well-Known Member
thank you yeah it sucks i could try that and take vitamin pills. aww. lol im poor but not if i get this job! thank you though


Well-Known Member
If you have a friend that is clean, use their urine. If this for employment you should be fine. Get a friend to give you a sample and make sure it is at a good temp.


Well-Known Member
yeah exactly, I wish I would have picked up someones piss before I took my test. you go into a bathroom and pee so you can just put your friends urine in the test


Well-Known Member
If you have a friend that is clean, use their urine. If this for employment you should be fine. Get a friend to give you a sample and make sure it is at a good temp.
better make sure it's a FEMALE friend.

sorry if that was obvious but round here you can never tell...


Well-Known Member
Cranberry juice, vitamins, and lots and lots of water or something before you take the test. Take a piss before you go and drink water or whatever in the car. That may be your best bet unless you get a detox drink.


New Member
Not to be negative but there is a very slim chance that you will pass the drug test.. You could try one of those detox drinks like victim said but you'll just be wasting your money for something that doesn't work. The best thing you can do is just drink a SHIT LOAD of cranberry juice and water all day..Like non stop drinking and pissing. I know someone who claims that taking a shot of vinegar a day worked for them.. If you could even stomach that then it's worth a try.


Well-Known Member
Not to be negative but there is a very slim chance that you will pass the drug test.. You could try one of those detox drinks like victim said but you'll just be wasting your money for something that doesn't work. The best thing you can do is just drink a SHIT LOAD of cranberry juice and water all day..Like non stop drinking and pissing. I know someone who claims that taking a shot of vinegar a day worked for them.. If you could even stomach that then it's worth a try.
I read that about the vinegar also. My friend did it, and, passed. I don't know if it was the vinegar or what but he passed. I forgot about the vinegar, it may work. You never know.


New Member
I read that about the vinegar also. My friend did it, and, passed. I don't know if it was the vinegar or what but he passed. I forgot about the vinegar, it may work. You never know.

Yeah .. But I'm really skeptical on the idea of vinegar working .. Or anything working actually.. Especially if you're like, a daily smoker. I just don't see how something could literally clean the THC out of your blood .. But yea who knows lol I would never be able to drink no damn vinegar though.

Another suggestion I have for the starter of this thread - Do some intense exercising and go to a sauna if it's possible.. Sweat it out:)


Well-Known Member
Also, if you sweat alot that will help. So drink lots of water, vinegar, Cranberry juice, certain vitamins, and sweat ALOT!!

What i do is turn your shower on REALLY high heat, but on alot of THICK clothes, and do situps, lift weights, whatever... Just make sure you don't get dehydrated!

And make sure its a piss test and not a mouth swab test. If its a mouth swab test, just don't smoke for like 3 to 5 days.. Then on the day of the test as a precaution drink gatorade, use mouthwash, and chew gum all before the test. That should all work.

Getting tested sucks... My parents said they were going to test me soon, but still haven't, but i'm still paranoid...



Well-Known Member
im just hopin and praying to god they won't give UAs.. its not a big corporation like target or kohls. liek i worked at target and they did random UAs the job im getting is seperately owned. so they do their own rules and i hopppe they won't say anything cuz god knows i won't bring it up. haha