The Yorkshireman
Well-Known Member
my mate was heavy into training and he used to take some of my insulin. Would this be for gains ??
Insulin is a very strange hormone.
It does 2 jobs in the human body.
#1) It shuttles nutrients into the system extremely efficiently (Insulin is the most anabolic hormone on the planet).
#2) It stores body fat.
The key to the 2 jobs it does is the amount that is present.
A little insulin and your system will suck up as many nutrients as you can give it.
Too much Insulin and it starts to store fat.
So some body builders take a small shot of fast acting Insulin (Humalog) after a workout and then go eat, the insulin will then suck all those nutrients straight into the body more efficiently than without any.
And we're talking a very small amount of insulin is needed to do this.
Too much to a non diabetic and that's it, game over, you're dead.
Slin is the dark side of bodybuilding.
That's where all the big monsters with huge distended guts are coming from.
A mixture of massive amounts of HGH and lots of Insulin.
Insulin stores visceral fat (the fat round the vital organs, their natural protection) if used to excess, causing that huge pregnant look that has taken over BB'ing since the 90's.
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