

Well-Known Member
yea that and circulate the air...
Are you using HID lighting?
if do that makes the room so dry


Well-Known Member
If you have stale air and high humidity you are looking for problems, lots of mold. If you have a closet figure out a way to vent the air, running a duct through the attic and out the eves on the roof usually works well.


Well-Known Member
Is your plant in the vegitative state, or is it flowering? If it's still vegging I don't see a problem as long as your plant isn't showing signs of distress. Why don't you try a small De-humidifier from Walmart or K-mart? $30 or so, not bad. Just watch your temps, some of them throw some serious heat.


Well-Known Member
Where is the closet that your plant is in? If it's in your bedroom or another enclosed room, buy a larger De-humidifier and take the humidity out of the whole room surrounding your closet. Any air that gets sucked into your closet will be adjusted already. I have a Big de-humidifier and a huge Humidifier, and I can get the levels exactly where they need to be by adjusting them accordingly. I just raised or lowered the levels in the surrounding area and that raises or lowers the levels inside my grow space. I don't know what your budget is, but sometimes you have to bite the bullet and spend a little extra to get things right. That's what I did, and it worked out well.