Trump leads with 46% while Clinton trails at 45% after FBI reboots email scandal investigation.


Active Member
russian "media" is better known as state propaganda, you sad retarded child with pipe dreams of ditchweed.
Russia have no need to lie its not their election lol

American media is the worlds propaganda hub for bulltshit Hilary lies.

We'll majority of them at least lol

I won't be banned so get use to it ;)


Active Member
National polls are useless in an electoral college based election. National polls would only be relevant if the winner was determined by the popular vote. Don't believe me? Ask Al Gore.
Trump is clearly going to win...

The american people have woken up and smelt nasty ass 3 day old corrupted hilary coffee!

You had your revolution now its time for ours!



Active Member
you russians sure overestimate yourselves.

stick to making cuck porn and growing the some of the shittiest ditchweed i've ever seen.
I'm English :)

It doesn't take a genius to see how corrupt American media is.

Russia have no need to lie about the polls only Hilary's pocket media do.

But its not working anymore haha.

First she attacks the Russians and then the FBI!

she knows she has never been closer to a prison cell and its so fun to watch :)
