Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
i'm gonna tell you something choomer would kill to hear: suck my dick.
Great Northern Democrat that you are, how about that other Great Northern Democrat FDR? How about that other awesome Northern Democrat JFK?

Hey pussy, what kind of Dems were those guys? What about Al Gore Sr the daddy of your environmental hero?


Well-Known Member
Great Northern Democrat that you are, how about that other Great Northern Democrat FDR? How about that other awesome Northern Democrat JFK?

Hey pussy, what kind of Dems were those guys? What about Al Gore Sr the daddy of your environmental hero?
and the meltdown begins.


Well-Known Member
and the meltdown begins.
There you have it folks. RIU's lead spokesman for the party of the jackass can't answer a simple question.

Bunk claims he and Tangerine are "Northern Democrats" which is really just a poser imitation of the southern "Radical Republican" with a big government twist.

Lame as shit.

Oh yeah, racism! <golf clap>
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Well-Known Member
Bunk and company like to bandy about the "uncle tom" a lot on this forum, notice the map lists that as a racist example. Keep it up yall, proving to be pillars of e-society.


Well-Known Member
There you have it folks. RIU's lead spokesman for the party of the jackass can't answer a simple question.

Bunk claims he and Tangerine are "Northern Democrats" which is really just a poser imitation of the southern "Radical Republican" with a big government twist.

Lame as shit.

Oh yeah, racism! <golf clap>

LOL "Northern Democrats".
Bunk and company like to bandy about the "uncle tom" a lot on this forum, notice the map lists that as a racist example. Keep it up yall, proving to be pillars of e-society.
aaaaaaand there's the meltdown.


Well-Known Member

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Steve Pieczenik just put out two videos. One is stating that the rank and file of the US intelligence community is rebelling against what they are calling a silent coup by the Clintons and their sphere to seize control of the government. Pieczenik says the intelligence 'counter-coup' is what has been feeding info to Wikileaks. He goes on to state that Hillary cannot be allowed to be president and that the FBI are going to attempt to have her and Bill brought up on charges before the election, mostly regarding the Clinton Foundation, as the Weiner emails were just the go-ahead to blow the whole thing open.

The second video is him talking about how both Hillary and Bill were customers at Jeffrey Epstein's "Lolitaexpress" pedophilia sex retreat in the Bahamas.

But hey, you'd better vote for Clinton. You wouldn't want to be a racist, now would you?

Found some interesting info on your new Savior. Why is your mouth so orange?

Pieczenik has made a number of ventures into fiction, as an author (of State of Emergencyand a number of other books)[24] and as a business partner of Tom Clancy for several series of novels.[25]

He studied medicine and writing, beginning with drama and poetry. But eventually "I turned to fiction because it allows me to address reality as it is or could be."[3]

Pieczenik received a listed credit as "co-creator" for both Tom Clancy's Op-Center and Tom Clancy's Net Force, two best-selling series of novels, as a result of a business relationship with Tom Clancy. He was not directly involved in writing books in these series, but "assembled a team" including the ghost-writer who did author the novels, and someone to handle the "packaging" of the novels.[25][26] The Op-Center series alone had grossed more than 28 million dollars in net profit for the partnership by 2003.[25] Tom Clancy's Op-Center: Out of the Ashes was released in 2014 by St. Martins Press.

Books he has authored include: novel Mind Palace (1985), novel Blood Heat (1989), self-helpMy Life Is Great! (1990) and paper-back edition Hidden Passions (1991), novel Maximum Vigilance (1993), novel Pax Pacifica (1995), novel State Of Emergency (1999), novel My Beloved Talleyrand (2005).[27] He's also credited under the pseudonym Alexander Court for writing the novels Active Measures (2001), and Active Pursuit (2002).[28]

Pieczenik has had at least two articles published in the American Intelligence Journal, a peer-reviewed journal published by the National Military Intelligence Association.[29]

In September 2010, John Neustadt was recognized by Elsevier as being one of the Top Ten Cited Authors in 2007 & 2008 for his article, "Mitochondrial dysfunction and molecular pathways of disease." This article was co-authored with Pieczenik.[30]

Pieczenik is the co-author of the published textbook, Foundations and Applications of Medical Biochemistry in Clinical Practice.[30]


In 1992, Pieczenik told Newsday that in his professional opinion, President Bush[clarification needed] was "clinically depressed". As a result, he was brought up on an ethics charge before the American Psychiatric Association and reprimanded. He subsequently quit the APA.[4]

He calls himself a "maverick troublemaker. You make your own rules. You pay the consequences."[4]

The role he played in the negotiations to bring about the release of Aldo Moro, an Italian politician kidnapped by the Red Brigades, is fraught with controversy.[citation needed]

On May 3, 2011, radio host Alex Jones aired an interview in which Pieczenik claimed thatOsama bin Laden had died of Marfan syndrome in 2001 shortly after the September 11 attacks, and that the attacks on the United States on 9/11 were part of a false flag operation by entities within the American government, the Israeli leadership and Mossad.[31]

On October 20, 2011 in an interview with Alex Jones, Pieczenik claimed that Libyan leaderMuammar Gaddafi was alive, and said, "There’s no way they killed Muammar Gaddafi, that’s not our operating mode and I’ve been involved in 30 years with the takeouts and regime changes." He also criticised President Barack Obama, calling him an "obsessional pathological liar".[32][33]


Well-Known Member
Found some interesting info on your new Savior. Why is your mouth so orange?

Pieczenik has made a number of ventures into fiction, as an author (of State of Emergencyand a number of other books)[24] and as a business partner of Tom Clancy for several series of novels.[25]

He studied medicine and writing, beginning with drama and poetry. But eventually "I turned to fiction because it allows me to address reality as it is or could be."[3]

Pieczenik received a listed credit as "co-creator" for both Tom Clancy's Op-Center and Tom Clancy's Net Force, two best-selling series of novels, as a result of a business relationship with Tom Clancy. He was not directly involved in writing books in these series, but "assembled a team" including the ghost-writer who did author the novels, and someone to handle the "packaging" of the novels.[25][26] The Op-Center series alone had grossed more than 28 million dollars in net profit for the partnership by 2003.[25] Tom Clancy's Op-Center: Out of the Ashes was released in 2014 by St. Martins Press.

Books he has authored include: novel Mind Palace (1985), novel Blood Heat (1989), self-helpMy Life Is Great! (1990) and paper-back edition Hidden Passions (1991), novel Maximum Vigilance (1993), novel Pax Pacifica (1995), novel State Of Emergency (1999), novel My Beloved Talleyrand (2005).[27] He's also credited under the pseudonym Alexander Court for writing the novels Active Measures (2001), and Active Pursuit (2002).[28]

Pieczenik has had at least two articles published in the American Intelligence Journal, a peer-reviewed journal published by the National Military Intelligence Association.[29]

In September 2010, John Neustadt was recognized by Elsevier as being one of the Top Ten Cited Authors in 2007 & 2008 for his article, "Mitochondrial dysfunction and molecular pathways of disease." This article was co-authored with Pieczenik.[30]

Pieczenik is the co-author of the published textbook, Foundations and Applications of Medical Biochemistry in Clinical Practice.[30]


In 1992, Pieczenik told Newsday that in his professional opinion, President Bush[clarification needed] was "clinically depressed". As a result, he was brought up on an ethics charge before the American Psychiatric Association and reprimanded. He subsequently quit the APA.[4]

He calls himself a "maverick troublemaker. You make your own rules. You pay the consequences."[4]

The role he played in the negotiations to bring about the release of Aldo Moro, an Italian politician kidnapped by the Red Brigades, is fraught with controversy.[citation needed]

On May 3, 2011, radio host Alex Jones aired an interview in which Pieczenik claimed thatOsama bin Laden had died of Marfan syndrome in 2001 shortly after the September 11 attacks, and that the attacks on the United States on 9/11 were part of a false flag operation by entities within the American government, the Israeli leadership and Mossad.[31]

On October 20, 2011 in an interview with Alex Jones, Pieczenik claimed that Libyan leaderMuammar Gaddafi was alive, and said, "There’s no way they killed Muammar Gaddafi, that’s not our operating mode and I’ve been involved in 30 years with the takeouts and regime changes." He also criticised President Barack Obama, calling him an "obsessional pathological liar".[32][33]

Alex Jones interview is my favorite


Well-Known Member
There is only one Choice, Vote Hillary and keep our great Nation on the right path.
Trump want to let the feds come into sates where Weed is legal and bust you put you in jail take away your freedom
If you don't think that is what he is going to do, you might want to research on that. He hates weed booze and cigs. so anyone whom wants there rights taken away after all we have done, then vote for Him,

God Bless America


Well-Known Member
yepper so they can come and bust you for growing,smoking or eating weed, why do you think they want Donald Dump in office, It is so they can come and get you for all we have fought for over the past years.
If the feds wanted weed legal it would of happened already, why not because they Make Millions if not Billions off People like you and I. Bust us and take all you have put it up for sale and keep the money.


Well-Known Member
Get those f-ing retards out of here
“When are they going to get those f—ing ree-tards out of here?!”
Those are said to be the infamous words of Hillary Clinton when she grew frustrated that handicapped children weren’t collecting their Easter eggs quickly enough on the lawn of the Arkansas governor’s mansion.
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