Hillary can't be trusted

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Hillary cannot be trusted .........:spew:She has no excuse ...:leaf: Vote for Trumpbongsmilie:weed: ...Vote for Trump:peace: His wife and great press ( daily I'm sure) or Hillary and Bill:wall: ....yes folks it's a circus.. Welcome to the Big Top...( yep this is some good weed)


Well-Known Member
I only count the copper ones, bank counts the zincs, that's their job.

Speaking of counting pennies, how long have you been on disability?
"On disability", LOL! Sorry to spoil your illusion, inbreeder, but I am financially set for life and have NEVER relied on state/government handouts. It feels amazing, as well!

Unlike soommmmeeeeee people I know.....people that go on nazi fishing trips, criticize the Civil Rights Movement, despise "purples", and horde penny rolls in their dilapidated trailers....know what I mean, 'pooey pie'?




Well-Known Member
Hillary cannot be trusted .........:spew:She has no excuse ...:leaf: Vote for Trumpbongsmilie:weed: ...Vote for Trump:peace: His wife and great press ( daily I'm sure) or Hillary and Bill:wall: ....yes folks it's a circus.. Welcome to the Big Top...( yep this is some good weed)
Reported for being an obvious sock troll. Likely Russian in nature.



Well-Known Member
are you still sore about the fact that it was conservative southerners like you who instituted jim crow laws, and liberal northerners like ma and tangerine who smacked your racist ass down for them?

it's funny how you seem to be sickened by jim crow laws, but have said about civil rights "look, i don't think it's a good idea. if you make me serve purples, what's left residually inside me? i hate em more now".

racist hick.
Ahhhhahahahhahhaha your theory is simply shit, that is ignorant of actual history. "jim crow" laws were based on laws that already existed in the north:


"In Sweet Land of Liberty: The Forgotten Struggle for Civil Rights in the North(Random House, November), Thomas J. Sugrue, a professor of history and sociology at the University of Pennsylvania, lays bare the difficulty blacks have had in the North from before the first black Great Migration in the ’20s to the present.

This 80-year chronicle of recent history is, at best, a glass-half-empty tale.

The ’20s, as Sugrue tells it, was an era of growing hostility, as blacks moved north. Restrictive covenants blocked black entry into many neighborhoods. Schools were openly segregated. Shopkeepers and theaters displayed “whites only” signs. Sugrue writes, “Even celebrities such as Josephine Baker, Paul Robeson, Dorothy Dandridge and Marian Anderson had a hard time finding rooms and faced Jim Crow in restaurants when they toured the North.”"


Well-Known Member
"On disability", LOL! Sorry to spoil your illusion, inbreeder, but I am financially set for life and have NEVER relied on state/government handouts. It feels amazing, as well!

Unlike soommmmeeeeee people I know.....people that go on nazi fishing trips, criticize the Civil Rights Movement, despise "purples", and horde penny rolls in their dilapidated trailers....know what I mean, 'pooey pie'?

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Set for life on a disability lawsuit? Is that for checks per month or one time payout:
Not much to tell, really.....Just an average schlub, (xx) years old, married (second wife), got the dogs and the garden and all, etc.etc.

Oh, and I'm considered "physically disabled" due to an on-the-job accident a few years back. I worked in the restaurant business for over 20 years up to that point. I still do 95% of the cooking at home. (By choice, of course.)
Regarding the herb, I've been smoking since the late-80s.

Curious: Is there a chat/general thread here?

Cheers -
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Well-Known Member
Set for life on a disability lawsuit? Is that for checks per month or one time payout:
Much more than that. But it's a secret. Shhhhhhhh.
Certainly not going to discuss my finances publicly, least of all with a racist trailer slug.


Take comfort (LOL, poor loser) in knowing that I could buy and sell you twenty times over and have enough left over to buy your trailer, penny horde/scam, and put 'your' (LOL) kid through (much needed!!) college. ;)


Well-Known Member
a lot of people who indulge in marijuana are disabled, helps with pain.
Oh, tremendously! Not so much with deep nerve pain, for me, though....more of a muscle/sciatica relaxer, and a beautiful one at that. Picture guitar strings wound very tightly, now imagine greasing the strings and tuning the keys to almost completely slack.....good stuff.
My doctors and attorney weep for me over the bullshit laws concerning herb around here. They ALL advocate for it, but what are intellectual professionals to do against wave after wave of right wing trash and archaic/religious 'laws'? :(

Other than my regular cortisone shots (in the tail) and pt, I 'self-medicate'. I've refused all offered pills, though I used to accept some and trade them for weed.



Well-Known Member
would you like the next 20 pages full of examples of why private insurance > government insurance?
Think Galveston TX vs SS "insurance".
Private insurance is a dream, especially if you don't force them to insure the purples.

They'll just hate em more now.


Well-Known Member
Much more than that. But it's a secret. Shhhhhhhh.
Certainly not going to discuss my finances publicly, least of all with a racist trailer slug.

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Take comfort (LOL, poor loser) in knowing that I could buy and sell you twenty times over and have enough left over to buy your trailer, penny horde/scam, and put 'your' (LOL) kid through (much needed!!) college. ;)
are you one of those who has a handicap placard for parking, that is able to walk just fine when the food smells good from any distance?

Ohhhhh bold type, scary. you contending I can't post quotes of your seeking food trucks from your admitted "disabled" status from here at RIU?

Too funny.


Well-Known Member
are you one of those who has a handicap placard for parking, that is able to walk just fine when the food smells good from any distance?

Ohhhhh bold type, scary. you contending I can't post quotes of your seeking food trucks from your admitted "disabled" status from here at RIU?

Too funny.
If Lou had a food truck, you wouldn't have to force him to serve purples.


Well-Known Member
are you one of those who has a handicap placard for parking, that is able to walk just fine when the food smells good from any distance?

Ohhhhh bold type, scary. you contending I can't post quotes of your seeking food trucks from your admitted "disabled" status from here at RIU?

Too funny.

You poor creature, you've missed the boat entirely, lol. (Very low IQ, likely due to inbreeding.) I'll waste four minutes of my evening, feel flattered.....

Here, shhhhhh, real quickly: I know this is going to be very hard for you to grasp being a red state Walmarter and all, but a person can be physically disabled/damaged and not receive a state/government check! (LOL, wow!)
They might also (GASP!) have varying degrees of pain/discomfort/mobility/etc. AND be (much more than) financially secure!

Does this perplex you, poor dear? Now why on earth have I just gone to the 'trouble' of detailing aspects of my private life for an envious, sociopathic, bigoted redneck? Dunno, maybe because I enjoy the notion of you living as a crumb bum, hand to mouth in that trailer raising another redneck's retarded son, while me and mine thrive and have zero concern financially.

Who says Karma isn't real, eh?

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