Is this bud finished growing?


Well-Known Member
Hey I've been growing this Auto critical since September 10th I was wondering if it looks done to y'all I'd say 50% trichs are amber and almost all pistils are brownish red... Says 60day strain should I give her another week?



Well-Known Member
Awesome!! Really appreciate it peeps! Hope that shiit is smoking and taste as sweet as it smells!
Aye I am growing some seeds in the bottom nugs.. I was wondering if I chop everything and just leave those buds/seedsacks.. Will that give them time to mature? Or would they just die off Jw?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone grown the African buzz? Its from Malawi gold, 100% sativa, the reason I'm asking is because I wanted to try mainlining but I've herd its not best on Sativa's because they are really branchy, just wanting to see if this phenotype is also branchy...

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
one thing 1 learned once you think they are done just give them 1 more week then they are a actually done . in my case its always 2 weeks later then they vanish right from the room the smoking monsters use it all up


Well-Known Member
one thing 1 learned once you think they are done just give them 1 more week then they are a actually done . in my case its always 2 weeks later then they vanish right from the room the smoking monsters use it all up
Aye iight I left all of the lower buds, some of them had seeds in them, I'll probably let them go another week or two... Do they get any fatter in the las couple weeks, or is that just for potency?


Well-Known Member
Aye iight I left all of the lower buds, some of them had seeds in them, I'll probably let them go another week or two... Do they get any fatter in the las couple weeks, or is that just for potency?
You could always harvest top of plant first and let the lower bud sites develop for those extra weeks too. no rule saying you have to harvest all at once!
be easy,


Well-Known Member
Alrighty thanks for the help and info dudes! I was just worried that maybe the seeds would over ripen then get rained on and go bad... I'll figure it out, some of the seeds in the upper nugget looks to be brown already but all the lower seeds are lime green still! Can't wait to see how they grow out, after harvest how long until the seeds can be utilized?
Happy growing, stay high everyone!



Well-Known Member
And so -Auto Critical Assassination was born! Finally found a fully developed seed in one of the upper buds so I pulled it out, it has a cool design on it too! How long until the seed is viable and ready to germinate?
Auto critical still going strong, more amber trichs, new white pistils/foxtail... Will probably chop rest next week now that I've found a mature seed!