The Vault’s Skywalker Auto Comparative Grow - in association with Mephisto Genetics


Well-Known Member
I definetely have no roots coming through, I actually dont think Ive ever had roots come through any of my hydrofarm smart pots, I think they may be thicker material, or Im just not getting as root bound as I thought.

I could definetely transplant them without much jossling of the plant or damage to the roots, I just waterred today so maybe I will do it tomorrow

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
here, just to make everyone feel better, i'll share my latest dumb ass thing i've done.
i woke up yesterday to my plant in soil showing yellowing new growth. so what the fuck, how did that show up so fast? i thought. i gave it some cal-mag+ and just thought i'd better keep an eye on it. seemed to be worse this morning,
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then i noticed this on the much larger plant sitting next to soil.. this was the bud closest to the light100_2308.JPG
i recently changed from a MH in my veg tent to an LED that i had been using as a supplemental light in my flower tent. apparently the led is much more intense than the MH was, and is bleaching whatever is directly under it. i raised it up and turned off the two blue/white 24 watt floods i had lighting up the corners. expecting that to take care of the problem100_2310.JPG


Well-Known Member
Do you guys think its to late to up-pot an auto after 32 days of growth? Im thinking of transplanting mine out of the 1gal smart pots and into the 3's I have.

They are 12-15" plants right now, I think Id be slowing there growth keeping them in the 1's until finish but am skeptical if I waited to long into there life
Typically you would not transplant an auto. However, I think that a one gallon pot for that plant is too small so yes I would transplant it and since your plant is about a month old now would be the perfect time to transplant because you are in your final week of veg, approximately which is ideal timing to transplant. I would recommend that you treat for transplant shock when/if you decide to transplant though. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
i think it depends on how involved the roots are with the pot, if you can get it out without too much damage, it might be a good idea, if there are roots sticking out all over the pot...i wouldn't.
this is something i thought of yesterday, looking at the few roots sticking out of the 3 gallon i put one in. its a smart pot, the roots grow through it, why not bury the whole damn pot in a 7 gallon pot and pull it out after harvest.....
Great idea Roger. I bet it would work.


Well-Known Member
I definetely have no roots coming through, I actually dont think Ive ever had roots come through any of my hydrofarm smart pots, I think they may be thicker material, or Im just not getting as root bound as I thought.

I could definetely transplant them without much jossling of the plant or damage to the roots, I just waterred today so maybe I will do it tomorrow
I haven't had roots ever come out of mine either but have seen it happen quite a bit.


Well-Known Member
Heres a random HPS pic of the 5 i have left. Please dont mind ugly betty in the back, ive come the the understanding, as @whitebb2727 said, they do not like lots of water. Same schedule that had them growing like sting beans in ""veg" ((and grew dank GG4 all the way through) had them sagging//howing signs over watering once bloom started and they stopped growing. i played with the cycle timer for a few days and it progressively//agressively got worse, so i pulled them, threw one in coco and gave the other away.20161107_122118.jpg

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
here, just to make everyone feel better, i'll share my latest dumb ass thing i've done.
i woke up yesterday to my plant in soil showing yellowing new growth. so what the fuck, how did that show up so fast? i thought. i gave it some cal-mag+ and just thought i'd better keep an eye on it. seemed to be worse this morning,
View attachment 3824078 View attachment 3824079
then i noticed this on the much larger plant sitting next to soil.. this was the bud closest to the lightView attachment 3824080
i recently changed from a MH in my veg tent to an LED that i had been using as a supplemental light in my flower tent. apparently the led is much more intense than the MH was, and is bleaching whatever is directly under it. i raised it up and turned off the two blue/white 24 watt floods i had lighting up the corners. expecting that to take care of the problemView attachment 3824081
Hey Rog - that's iron def and some Sulfur too.......throw some kelp extract at it and be sure you have a good source of "available" Ir.