First Grow! : CFL/HPS 8 Plants


Well-Known Member
WOW. I've heard high prices out there but shit. I buy ZIPS for 200, maybe 250 for some good shit. Haha I like the characters. I don't know why. It just makes for a better atmosphere.


Well-Known Member
man i was loving L.A. when i was there last year..i was gettin cali cryp for like 300..i felt like i was paying more than the AVG. californian,but was a steal either way i look at love the west coast


Well-Known Member
Yeah, me too... dude I used to buy from would just give me shit sometimes for helping him harvest and stuff like that. Yeah 150 must be nice. You know you can edit your posts, you don't have to keep posting two in a row...


Well-Known Member
they also had these huge hash oi; perfume rollers for like 10 sick,o yeah i forgot..this is a really good harvest of some diesel lol


Well-Known Member
I know right... I just kept zooming in on the picture lol. Doesn't look anywhere near that good with the naked eye. Can't wait to smoke it though. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Thanks camaro! I had a little accident yesterday but it's all good lol. My damn purple wreck still hasn't sprouted though it's been like 4 days :wall:


Well-Known Member
Well, I think I figured out why that other plant wasn't doing anything. I just cut it up and chopped her down, and there were barely any roots in the soil at all. About as much as was in the last pot it was in. I must have fucked up the roots or something when I transplanted it last time. Oh well it was crap anyway. Also, I am starting on giving my NL some nutes today (day 14). 2 tsp/gal of Grow Big and 2 tbl/gal of Big Bloom. I will basically be following fox farm's schedule for the nutes. I dug up my Purple Wreck and one of them hasn't even cracked, the other just barely, so I dropped them into a cup of water. We'll see if that helps, the Skywalkers are already starting to push through the soil. :clap:


Well-Known Member
Alright so I got my evaporative cooler today. I was shocked when it came actually since I just ordered it two days ago. :clap: (Why can't my seeds get here that fast?). Anyway, it works great. Filled it up with water and let it run for the night. Dropped the temp down to 72 and also raised the humidity, so I don't even think I'll need my humidifier anymore. I put my two Skywalkers into pots, but these damn Purple Wreck seeds aren't doing shit. Anyone ever bought these and grown them before? Maybe I just picked two bad ones, who knows I guess I'll try some others tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Alright here's some new pics of all the plants. I've got six that are potted now. Still nothing from the purple wreck... Didn't use my new fan last night it was already pretty cold but I took a pic. As for the plants, NL's are day 15, Cali Indicas are day 6, and Skywalkers are day 3. I started the NL on nutes yesterday (grow big/big bloom) and will feed with every other watering. I'll probably let all the plants veg for about 4 weeks then throw them into flower. Hopefully my other plant will be ready for harvest soon so I can start the NL :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Nah that's just because I'm using a spray bottle for watering since most are still really small. Probabaly mist from the humidifier too. I have a propagator that I used for all six of these that works fine excpet for the PW which aren't doing anything. I dug them up after 4 days and they had barely even cracked. I dropped them into a cup of water last night and still nothing.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I guess, I may just wait and grow something different. Got a couple orders on the way. I'm skeptical about this strain though since it's fairly new and have failed to find a single journal or review on it.


Well-Known Member
I saw it mentioned in the book we were talking about, but that was in the nutrients section. I'm not sure if it's talked about anywhere else. Did you search it on google to see if anyone had any reviews on it?


Well-Known Member
So I know that higher humidity means lower temp, but how high is too much for humidity? This new fan I got drops the temp down around 74, but also raises the humidity into the 60's. Cervante's grow bible says 60-70% humididty for vegging, but I've never seen anyone have it that high. Is this alright or should I just raise the temp a bit and drop the humididty?