Fish tank grow


Active Member
So straight off I'm not looking for big yields just a bit of fun and think it would look cool. Thinking of taking an old 32ltr round fish tank and covering the inside with one way mirror film (like in police films) so from the inside its reflective but the outside you can see in. Then putting two 80w LED bulbs in the top and a few computer fans in/out in the back. Growing one auto flower in there just for show. What do you guys/girls think?
I would make sure your 80w bulbs are 80w as they usuially are not even close. I would suggest a small COB Build.
Just a little heads up you'll never be able to flower with that setup unless you use autos. and in that vain you might as well just forgo putting 2 way mirror tape on the inside imo. after all if it's just for show it'll be a lot easier to see in without the tape

Imo totally not worth it, but who cares try it and see.