Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
The Drumpf will get his in the very near future, but what to do about sniveling/lickspittle/crooked-as-a-roach-leg slimebags like 'jaundiced ghoul' Giuliani and 'bloated failure' Christie? I've got some ideas....


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Well-Known Member
Anyways i am going to sleep like a baby tonight knowing dam well Trump is going to win meanwhile you guys will be tossing and turning all night long.
I love it ha ha
Keep chewing your fingernails guys


Well-Known Member
Well, clinton loves pizza parties. Invite some kids?
NAwwww after the win we party like grown folks.
I'm just glad that your daughter will have a President Clinton who will look after her , even when her mother makes dumb ass decisions. Stop voting or supporting the vote of things that go against your best interest. Honestly you are too poor for that.


Well-Known Member
And literally and did are two different things, specially in a court of law

Did Hillary delete emails ??? yup she did
what do you expect its a toss up between you and lou for the Biggest troll the internet has ever seen
Anyways i am going to sleep like a baby tonight knowing dam well Trump is going to win meanwhile you guys will be tossing and turning all night long.
I love it ha ha
Keep chewing your fingernails guys
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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
NAwwww after the win we party like grown folks.
I'm just glad that your daughter will have a President Clinton who will look after her , even when her mother makes dumb ass decisions. Stop voting or supporting the vote of things that go against your best interest. Honestly you are too poor for that.
Hillary is no role model. Racist, Liar, thief, corrupt, pedo... i mean the list keeps getting longer.


Well-Known Member
It’s not “news” that Hillary’s rally turnouts have been dismal, at best.
Hillary in , Ohio Today -- Less Than 100 Attend lol Be worried retards really worried you ever wonder why she does not post many pictures or camera views of the seats ??

Because know one is there ..
but seeing all these photo chops you democrats are good at go figure Photoshop-Hillary-Rallies-01-800x416.jpg
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