How Many Is Too Many?


Active Member
Basically i want to know how many plants i can grow before it gives off significant enough heat for it to interest helicopters that fly over on a regular basis?
And how can i minimise the heat detectable?

My first attempt at growing is currently on the third floor of a house i live in,it's situated near a window and i live in the city relatively near a police helipad and have them flying close by.

A paranoids nightmare i know.


Well-Known Member
Use cfls to veg with and the heat signature wont be that bad,

flower during normal daylight hours outside and they wont be able to see you


Active Member
Sadly i share the house with those that might not approve of my personal hobbie, so it's confined to the closet never to see daylight..untill it is harvested and smoked at my liesure.

Man i'm baked.


Well-Known Member
Sadly i share the house with those that might not approve of my personal hobbie, so it's confined to the closet never to see daylight..untill it is harvested and smoked at my liesure.

Man i'm baked.
no you misunderstood me,

if you put your hps on only during outside daylight hours, then the brightness of the sun and other heat signatures means they wont see the hps


Active Member
Actually that hasn't been a problem at all, the smell is very faint. I bought the seeds specifically because the strain was one that emitted low amounts of odour without taking any of the quality smoke out of it.

Are there any other ways to disguise the heat signature?


Well-Known Member
Yes, you can get something called Astrofoil, it's essentially two layers of bubble-wrap with a layer of mylar on either side. It reflects %90 of radiant heat and will keep your heat signature to a minimum. Plus it increases the light in your grow room, it is durable is easy to clean, unlike regular mylar. sells it. It's not inexpensive though since you need to buy a full role and have it shipped but it is worth it, plus if you want to build a grow cab in the future (I recommend it, much better then a closet and can be vented and filtered for more stealth) it will come in handy.