Make america great again

Silence 208

Well-Known Member
He said he would. He will either honor his word or be a con-man. Somewhere in between is a bet. To what degree is the ?. Much corrupt =1 term. If America is still looking for a reformer in 2020 Elizabeth Warren will be a tough foe. FYI. I did not vote for Trump, nor did I vote for Hillary Clinton. Neither of these people has any honor.
What would you know about honor big guy. Tell me this have you followed EVERY move hillary made for the past 28 years I can answer that fuck no. So get you're head out of the ass of what you think is right opposed to what should have been. You simple minded dicks of America make us a lesser superpower in the struggle. It's like this you didn't vote for the primary candidates so shut the fuck up your voice has no sound. You waste your vote and ruin the lives of so many others. You should be soooooo proud of your decision making. Now we have a complete idiot in office for 4 years because 7 million twat face ass holes cast their vote for a god damn nobody. Hillary Clinton had more vote and still lost because stupid Americans think it's okay to vote to have electoral votes per state so win the state win the election, horse shit count all votes who has the most wins how hard is that. Nope stupid Americans think they know best just like in the history of voting NOTHING needs 60% to be passed 51-49 that's a win. but here comes stupid Americans again we need to suggest it be 60% of voters to pass anything great job America you just keep shoving that foot further up the ass and we wonder why it's hard to sit down.
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A.K.A. Overgrowem

Well-Known Member
What would you know about honor big guy. Tell me this have you followed EVERY move hillary made for the past 28 years I can answer that fuck no. So get you're head out of the ass of what you think is right opposed to what should have been. You simple minded dicks of America make us a lesser superpower in the struggle. It's like this you didn't vote for the primary candidates so shut the fuck up your voice has no sound. You waste your vote and ruin the lives of so many others. You should be soooooo proud of your decision making. Now we have a complete idiot in office for 4 years because 7 million twat face ass holes cast their vote for a god damn nobody. Hillary Clinton had more vote and still lost because stupid Americans think it's okay to vote to have electoral votes per state so win the state win the election, horse shit count all votes who has the most wins how hard is that. Nope stupid Americans think they know best just like in the history of voting NOTHING needs 60% to be past 51-49 that's a win. but here comes stupid Americans again we need to suggest it be 60% of voters to pass anything great job America you just keep shoving that foot further up the ass and we wonder why it's hard to sit down.
Don't hold back tell us how you really feel.


Well-Known Member
What would you know about honor big guy. Tell me this have you followed EVERY move hillary made for the past 28 years I can answer that fuck no. So get you're head out of the ass of what you think is right opposed to what should have been. You simple minded dicks of America make us a lesser superpower in the struggle. It's like this you didn't vote for the primary candidates so shut the fuck up your voice has no sound. You waste your vote and ruin the lives of so many others. You should be soooooo proud of your decision making. Now we have a complete idiot in office for 4 years because 7 million twat face ass holes cast their vote for a god damn nobody. Hillary Clinton had more vote and still lost because stupid Americans think it's okay to vote to have electoral votes per state so win the state win the election, horse shit count all votes who has the most wins how hard is that. Nope stupid Americans think they know best just like in the history of voting NOTHING needs 60% to be passed 51-49 that's a win. but here comes stupid Americans again we need to suggest it be 60% of voters to pass anything great job America you just keep shoving that foot further up the ass and we wonder why it's hard to sit down.
You need a hug and a cookie

Silence 208

Well-Known Member
It's funny that every time I make a point someone like you opens up that cum dumpster. Im sure you're a trump supporter and contributes nothing to our country but wasting life and space. Do us all a favor and go drink and drive hit a tree and give us something to celebrate when your dead and gone.


Well-Known Member
What would you know about honor big guy. Tell me this have you followed EVERY move hillary made for the past 28 years I can answer that fuck no. So get you're head out of the ass of what you think is right opposed to what should have been. You simple minded dicks of America make us a lesser superpower in the struggle. It's like this you didn't vote for the primary candidates so shut the fuck up your voice has no sound. You waste your vote and ruin the lives of so many others. You should be soooooo proud of your decision making. Now we have a complete idiot in office for 4 years because 7 million twat face ass holes cast their vote for a god damn nobody. Hillary Clinton had more vote and still lost because stupid Americans think it's okay to vote to have electoral votes per state so win the state win the election, horse shit count all votes who has the most wins how hard is that. Nope stupid Americans think they know best just like in the history of voting NOTHING needs 60% to be passed 51-49 that's a win. but here comes stupid Americans again we need to suggest it be 60% of voters to pass anything great job America you just keep shoving that foot further up the ass and we wonder why it's hard to sit down.
Man, just later tonight when you are all alone, just remember it isn't worth it and to put the firearm away.



Well-Known Member
It's funny that every time I make a point someone like you opens up that cum dumpster. Im sure you're a trump supporter and contributes nothing to our country but wasting life and space. Do us all a favor and go drink and drive hit a tree and give us something to celebrate when your dead and gone.



Well-Known Member
Who me? Nope I'm a democrat, but I won't vote for a a dishonest sociopath of any party, so I voted for my dog, truth. Stop with your infantile tantrum and act like a supposed 28 yo should. You fuckin special snowflake millenials are extremely boring and tiresome