While "I" never believed it wasn't there or possible.....It was College profs that got me thinking it might have become almost gone or gone dormant in cannabis.
I don't think the exact viral strain
@Afgan King and I were discussing is/was
Tobacco Mosaic Virus! What he describes and has had, did turn out to
be a mosaic virus that can strike cannabis. I mean, if I didn't, why did "we" test hundreds of samples over the years here in MI ? (and never did get a positive result).....I still hold true to the belief that cannabis can not get the TMV specific strain....Sunn Hemp either!
The simple split colored leaf, with a slight bend in one direction.....Is
not a mosaic virus! Nor does it look like any mosaic damage I've every seen in other plants being affected by a mosaic!
In the end. very few actual virus's can affect/infect cannabis. It would be better to see what can infect Hops. There is far more research into that!