Broad mites or TMV.... Or different

That's fine say what you want your gonna explain how 3 strains over a year all have the same symptoms all with curling colored leaves purple yellow and red streaks thru them with no trichome production or terpene production and is passed on thru the plant for over 18 months before we even thought about tmv. Your talking 180 plants cut down every 9 days please don't try me on this I've talked to @Dr. Who extensively about it. There is no other explanation and we did the test and it came back positive.
Who are thes "we" people? And wheres the results if you claim this is true?
Who are thes "we" people? And wheres the results if you claim this is true?
We as in I was a grower for craft concentrates. And they have the results as it's their facility and i no longer work there. Believe what u want it is real ive seen it ive watched it spread I've never seen anything like it in anyone elses pics and it matches every symptom and again it had a positive test. It's not something that's an outbreak like people said but it is real and it can be controlled just extremely easy to spread if not conscious of decisions you make around the plants
You can ask @ttystikk if he thinks I would lie about something like this. I've told him about it.since I was working there. And he'll tell you I have no need or want to lie about anything as I'm trying to become something in this industry and definitely not become a joke. This is not something that common my partner swears its in a bunch of Colorado commercial grows but no one realizes it and just trashes the plant. Idk he's been growing longer than me and was first one to call it tmv before the test came back. Personally it's not a big deal you evre get it axium keeps it at bay by spraying once a month and like a light spraying at that might cost ya like 25$ a month to spray 6-700 plants with an atomizer as axium just needs to touch the plants and actually its transferred plant to plant if they're touching. Really cool product honestly shit kept plants really healthy but again only seen it personally in one place truly but seen claims all over and nothing really looks like it
Even when you look it up on google nothing looks like what I saw. Kinda like the pic below but purple and red blotches with yellow looking like a real mosaic type of painting. I just went thru like 500 pics on Google lol not one is what I saw this is closest and not nearly as drastic of a curve or coloring. Shits way more drastic than any of the pics ive seen Screenshot_2016-11-11-08-21-38.png
While "I" never believed it wasn't there or possible.....It was College profs that got me thinking it might have become almost gone or gone dormant in cannabis.
I don't think the exact viral strain @Afgan King and I were discussing is/was Tobacco Mosaic Virus! What he describes and has had, did turn out to be a mosaic virus that can strike cannabis. I mean, if I didn't, why did "we" test hundreds of samples over the years here in MI ? (and never did get a positive result).....I still hold true to the belief that cannabis can not get the TMV specific strain....Sunn Hemp either!

The simple split colored leaf, with a slight bend in one direction.....Is not a mosaic virus! Nor does it look like any mosaic damage I've every seen in other plants being affected by a mosaic!

In the end. very few actual virus's can affect/infect cannabis. It would be better to see what can infect Hops. There is far more research into that!
While "I" never believed it wasn't there or possible.....It was College profs that got me thinking it might have become almost gone or gone dormant in cannabis.
I don't think the exact viral strain @Afgan King and I were discussing is/was Tobacco Mosaic Virus! What he describes and has had, did turn out to be a mosaic virus that can strike cannabis. I mean, if I didn't, why did "we" test hundreds of samples over the years here in MI ? (and never did get a positive result).....I still hold true to the belief that cannabis can not get the TMV specific strain....Sunn Hemp either!

The simple split colored leaf, with a slight bend in one direction.....Is not a mosaic virus! Nor does it look like any mosaic damage I've every seen in other plants being affected by a mosaic!

In the end. very few actual virus's can affect/infect cannabis. It would be better to see what can infect Hops. There is far more research into that!
Can you test currently? I can trade craft for a cut of the hp-13 if you'd like and get it out to you. Still got buddies there should be able to get a cut
I had a strain of king louie that had that look, the thing with TMV is, if you had it, it would have spread to every other strain, did that happen?
I had a strain of king louie that had that look, the thing with TMV is, if you had it, it would have spread to every other strain, did that happen?
It only spreads thru vectors and yes ot spread to the original strains it was brought in and cloned with. We trashed 17 different strains and kept 3 that we couldn't find clean clones of. It's spreads thru vectors such as bugs,scissors, razors etc being used on an infected strain and then used on a clean strain. I was cloning and juvenile plant manager with 512 clones daily taking 256 clones every 9 days. I used new razors every strain after the first time it spread and we trashed and we didn't have an issue with it spreading after that.
It only spreads thru vectors and yes ot spread to the original strains it was brought in and cloned with. We trashed 17 different strains and kept 3 that we couldn't find clean clones of. It's spreads thru vectors such as bugs,scissors, razors etc being used on an infected strain and then used on a clean strain. I was cloning and juvenile plant manager with 512 clones daily taking 256 clones every 9 days. I used new razors every strain after the first time it spread and we trashed and we didn't have an issue with it spreading after that.
if it spread to other strains, then you definitely had some kind of virus, possibly Hemp mosaic virus?
Even when you look it up on google nothing looks like what I saw. Kinda like the pic below but purple and red blotches with yellow looking like a real mosaic type of painting. I just went thru like 500 pics on Google lol not one is what I saw this is closest and not nearly as drastic of a curve or coloring. Shits way more drastic than any of the pics ive seen View attachment 3828108

EXACTLY! Totally different look!

TMV strain can not infect cannabis in some testing done by contacts at MSU....

There are like 2 that can infect the whole cannabeceae family as a whole and like 4 virus's, 2 of those are mosiac that can hit Hops, and 2 of those do not show affects to the plant for like years after infection.....How long do you grow your hops for?

Sigh, I remember the prof saying that he has not seen a true cannabis mosaic infection in years. He said that it is referenced in writings during WWII involving industrial fields.....Kinda like what AK has said about coloring and yields

I see no reason this could not be popping back up in places with large scale, closely grown plants - in enclosed places!

The thing being though....It maybe some other sort of viral infection! the only way to tell is by scanning electron microscope and actually looking at the viral structure!

End point - Is it actually a mosaic virus? I doubt it very, very much!
Is it then any virus? Very mush so!

If you see it....DON'T touch it! EVER! Plant viral's are spread mainly by touch!

Best thing! BURN THE WHOLE PLANT! While it's nice to "hold" a problem at bay and finish a crop.....Your only adding to the chance of it spreading and becoming a REAL BIG problem!

Sorry AK, my opinion is to get rid of it and fast!
It only spreads thru vectors and yes ot spread to the original strains it was brought in and cloned with. We trashed 17 different strains and kept 3 that we couldn't find clean clones of. It's spreads thru vectors such as bugs,scissors, razors etc being used on an infected strain and then used on a clean strain. I was cloning and juvenile plant manager with 512 clones daily taking 256 clones every 9 days. I used new razors every strain after the first time it spread and we trashed and we didn't have an issue with it spreading after that.


To note: Insect spreading is considered as the hardest vector to complete (in some mosaic) !
EXACTLY! Totally different look!

TMV strain can not infect cannabis in some testing done by contacts at MSU....

There are like 2 that can infect the whole cannabeceae family as a whole and like 4 virus's, 2 of those are mosiac that can hit Hops, and 2 of those do not show affects to the plant for like years after infection.....How long do you grow your hops for?

Sigh, I remember the prof saying that he has not seen a true cannabis mosaic infection in years. He said that it is referenced in writings during WWII involving industrial fields.....Kinda like what AK has said about coloring and yields

I see no reason this could not be popping back up in places with large scale, closely grown plants - in enclosed places!

The thing being though....It maybe some other sort of viral infection! the only way to tell is by scanning electron microscope and actually looking at the viral structure!

End point - Is it actually a mosaic virus? I doubt it very, very much!
Is it then any virus? Very mush so!

If you see it....DON'T touch it! EVER! Plant viral's are spread mainly by touch!

Best thing! BURN THE WHOLE PLANT! While it's nice to "hold" a problem at bay and finish a crop.....Your only adding to the chance of it spreading and becoming a REAL BIG problem!

Sorry AK, my opinion is to get rid of it and fast!
Oh I respect your opinion and like I said if you want a cut to test let me know I can probably get one out to u. This virus did not spread by touch this virus would only spread during cloning or pruning. And again I've never seen anything like it anywhere. If you kniw anyone who can test it id love to get it out to ya cuz this is what I definitely believe to be a mosaic virus and would love to know more about it honestly
if it spread to other strains, then you definitely had some kind of virus, possibly Hemp mosaic virus?
I have no clue but I would bet anything guaranteed a mosaic virus of what type I would not take bets as it's out of my pay grade lol but it's something I've never seem repeated in any other place period and it's very specific to spreading with cloning and pruning. Weird crazy virus but definitely a virus and definitely a mosaic
Can you test currently? I can trade craft for a cut of the hp-13 if you'd like and get it out to you. Still got buddies there should be able to get a cut

The in state university out there that does Ag would/should do it! Contact someone in the agronomy dept. Ask if they'll do a viral identification in a cannabis plant sample.
I can check on my end but I really have the hebbie jeebies handling a possible real infection!
Washington and Oregon university have big Ag programs too! They might work with you direct also!
If I remember right...One or both of them are treating cannabis like a cash crop and doing some work with it.....
I have no clue but I would bet anything guaranteed a mosaic virus of what type I would not take bets as it's out of my pay grade lol but it's something I've never seem repeated in any other place period and it's very specific to spreading with cloning and pruning. Weird crazy virus but definitely a virus and definitely a mosaic

@Dr.Nick Riviera
Nope my old friend.....Hemp mosaic is known as Sunn Hemp virus - that's a bean and it doesn't cross to our family of plant...My prof contact lined that out right away...
The in state university out there that does Ag would/should do it! Contact someone in the agronomy dept. Ask if they'll do a viral identification in a cannabis plant sample.
I can check on my end but I really have the hebbie jeebies handling a possible real infection!
Washington and Oregon university have big Ag programs too! They might work with you direct also!
If I remember right...One or both of them are treating cannabis like a cash crop and doing some work with it.....
Well I bet I could get ahold of CU or CSU I just wanted to put it in someones hands who's word everyone will believe lol I know what this shit is to an extent and I don't want it at my house but I've never seen it transfer thru just touch as we had plenty of strains that never showed symptomatic although my medical veterinary intuition tells me that means nothing as I've seen patients that are infected but not symptomatic. I would guess just like in animals plants can be a carrier without being symptomatic lol or am I off base on that one?
Something bigger than a virus or broad mites, Dr. Who is dead-on in saying there's no such thing as TMV infecting Cannabis. (Flushing is pointless, too, not to beat an off-topic dead horse)

A cricket, dog, a very small herbivorous lizard (lol), or a cat would be my top suspects. I know it doesn't look "chewed" but that's not always a clue, it looks like physical damage was done to the leaves when they were young, to me.

I'd probably just treat it like a healthy plant, not worry much, and keep a close eye on it for more clues. Good luck.

Wait a minute! That has to be a cricket, or something like it. Are you sure you don't have a cat? Does your roommate have one? Any Chuckwallas running around the house?
No sir, I don't have a cat. The damage is from the new growth.
Oh I respect your opinion and like I said if you want a cut to test let me know I can probably get one out to u. This virus did not spread by touch this virus would only spread during cloning or pruning. And again I've never seen anything like it anywhere. If you kniw anyone who can test it id love to get it out to ya cuz this is what I definitely believe to be a mosaic virus and would love to know more about it honestly

But you are touching a plant with a "tool" and then contacting the next plant with that tool = touch!

BUT, your statement holds a BIG clue! Mosaics transfer mostly by the plants touching each other in the fields! Fans in grow ops and movement by air, resulting in plants touching. Would be the biggest vector of infection with any mosaic!
I remember that one from class..
Well I bet I could get ahold of CU or CSU I just wanted to put it in someones hands who's word everyone will believe lol I know what this shit is to an extent and I don't want it at my house but I've never seen it transfer thru just touch as we had plenty of strains that never showed symptomatic although my medical veterinary intuition tells me that means nothing as I've seen patients that are infected but not symptomatic. I would guess just like in animals plants can be a carrier without being symptomatic lol or am I off base on that one?

There you go! Like I said, you ask them if they'll do a viral identification in a cannabis plant...