Steady's 220wat LED Grow (first grow)


Well-Known Member
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Yessir strain name Lemonheads should be some true fire in those beans here's the all the ones I just popped real consistent on this side I'll be watching to make sure you get 100% germ rate mine popped real easy should be good to go View attachment 3824792
And so it begins

Popped them all in coco mix, under 4bulb T5, pretty excited , I have the T5 8inches away from the tops


Well-Known Member
Fuck ! Woke up this morning and my lights were still on when they should have shut off at midnight lol.

Fuck well I'm still gonna give her 12 of darkness


Well-Known Member
Fuck ! Woke up this morning and my lights were still on when they should have shut off at midnight lol.

Fuck well I'm still gonna give her 12 of darkness
I hate that, those little timers are so easy to bump. I end up checking on my tents several times a day all paranoid LOL. Youl be good, if its not habitual. Plants are looking great bro! Blackjacks' guna put out!


Well-Known Member
I hate that, those little timers are so easy to bump. I end up checking on my tents several times a day all paranoid LOL. Youl be good, if its not habitual. Plants are looking great bro! Blackjacks' guna put out!
Totally fried my first batch of seedlings under the T5!! Had them under 3-4 inches from the T5, they all died lol.

So now I have the T5 about 11inches away. New seeds too. lol so embarrassing