Whaaz up!? Check it out!


Well-Known Member
Chroniclights^>^ is getting so huge, I was wondering what the results are from crossing a feminized with an auto? I read somewhere before about 25% of the seeds being auto but idk how accurate that is... Also what's so bad about having unstabilized seeds? Polyploidy?
Isn't that just what breeders do so then there isn't variation and they try to lock in the best phenotype?
Also after the pistils get red/orange and recede into the buds are more supposed to come out? Does this make buds fatter? How many times does this process occur?
Has anyone harvest with white pistils before, did they change color during drying and curing or fall off?
I hope this plant finishes soon she is a monster and really stinky! Yummy :bigjoint:

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
Well first off that is a pretty plant. A genetic roulette wheel is basically what you get in the situation that you are talking about. Some tall, some short,super fruity,very hashy,leggy,dense,fat buds,airy buds, head high are all determined by this and when its not stabilized well.... Its not stabilized lol. I love the randomness of the "wild card" seeds. But I have the room to play with these things and there is no deadline and things dont have to be perfect, I have another area for all that lol. Once the pistils brown and dry up thats it for them, however there may others very close taking its place but they dont regenerate typically. Yes I have grown strains that finish with white "hair" however, the trichomes are the indicator not the hair. Some strains consistantly finish ripening while the pistils are browning but ..... Always, if the trichomes say no then its no! Mostly my opiniins some hard facts lol...


Well-Known Member
Well first off that is a pretty plant. A genetic roulette wheel is basically what you get in the situation that you are talking about. Some tall, some short,super fruity,very hashy,leggy,dense,fat buds,airy buds, head high are all determined by this and when its not stabilized well.... Its not stabilized lol. I love the randomness of the "wild card" seeds. But I have the room to play with these things and there is no deadline and things dont have to be perfect, I have another area for all that lol. Once the pistils brown and dry up thats it for them, however there may others very close taking its place but they dont regenerate typically. Yes I have grown strains that finish with white "hair" however, the trichomes are the indicator not the hair. Some strains consistantly finish ripening while the pistils are browning but ..... Always, if the trichomes say no then its no! Mostly my opiniins some hard facts lol...
Alright jimmy I really apreaciate your input, excellent information covered most of what I was asking! Sounds like you know what your talking about bro thanks!:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
This is my auto critical, someone said she was finished last week but I let a few of the other nugs keep going and they had tons of new growth and white hairs really exploded, this auto was surprisingly not stunted by stress, I cross her with a auto assassin and one of the seeds already popped a taproot! I also used the assassin pollen on chronic lights, because I loved the genetics, but he is right there going to be a baffled and diverse , maybe one will be like the mom and I can backcross her...

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
Well for me its hard to say because Im not there. From the pics they look real nice but I cant personally tell. Im seeing some amber but its near the pistils wich are brown/amber so its deceiving me.


Well-Known Member
Guess ill just do what some say and wait for the leaves to start dieing.
Damn this plant is just to beautiful I hope some of these genetics pass on to the offspring! Looks like 4 main colas and the rest are just rock solid popcorn buds, I really like how it shaped out after training her!

Honey Oil Riot Squad

Well-Known Member
Ha! I am growing chronic lights too, I did not cross it myself but this looks just like my plant! I have three plants and my chronic lights took up a good half of my space bc it got so huge. Great strain. I'd say leave it a bit longer. You need to use a jewelers loupe or something to get a look at the trichs to truly tell, but from that photo it looks to me like the buds could fatten up a bit yet. Though if you do get a jewelers loupe, tape or rubber band that shit to your cell camera and you can actually get pics of the magnified trichs and we could really tell you for sure if it's ready.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Chroniclights^>^ is getting so huge, I was wondering what the results are from crossing a feminized with an auto? I read somewhere before about 25% of the seeds being auto but idk how accurate that is... Also what's so bad about having unstabilized seeds? Polyploidy?
Isn't that just what breeders do so then there isn't variation and they try to lock in the best phenotype?
Also after the pistils get red/orange and recede into the buds are more supposed to come out? Does this make buds fatter? How many times does this process occur?
Has anyone harvest with white pistils before, did they change color during drying and curing or fall off?
I hope this plant finishes soon she is a monster and really stinky! Yummy :bigjoint:
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Yes some strains will have a few white pistils even after the bud is fully ripe...That is why you should go by the color of the trichome heads to determine done-ness. Get a scope you need one now; think I paid like $14 for mine...costs more to change the batteries than a new one does.
Some strains, usually sativas/sat-doms, will continue to develop the buds well past 11 weeks and yes they can get bigger as more pistils ripen. An unstable strain will herm out easily which is why they are "bad" but even in the same pack of seeds you could have phenos with varying degrees of stability. It really depends upon how the breeder selected their crosses & their lineage. Your plant looks done or very close; never hurts to wait a bit longer if you are not sure


Well-Known Member
what are your temps on the plant ? cold ?
Mid 80s during daylight and high 60s at night! I sometimes put ice on top during day because someone said she's hot...
Yes some strains will have a few white pistils even after the bud is fully ripe...That is why you should go by the color of the trichome heads to determine done-ness. Get a scope you need one now; think I paid like $14 for mine...costs more to change the batteries than a new one does.
Some strains, usually sativas/sat-doms, will continue to develop the buds well past 11 weeks and yes they can get bigger as more pistils ripen. An unstable strain will herm out easily which is why they are "bad" but even in the same pack of seeds you could have phenos with varying degrees of stability. It really depends upon how the breeder selected their crosses & their lineage. Your plant looks done or very close; never hurts to wait a bit longer if you are not sure
Thanks for the tips and information, I'll definitely try to get a scope soon,
Check her out today does she look any thicker!?

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah man so much thicker than the pic from Friday lmao..I think she's about done developing and now you are just waiting for the bud to be as ripe as you like it which takes some trial and error with unproven strains. Some growers pick at or just before peak of ripeness which IMO is when about 10% of the trichomes have gone from cloudy to Amber. It is always better to wait a bit longer though because the lower parts of the cola buds ripen a bit later than the tops. Waiting longer..I'm talking weeks not days...usually means more smokable buds. I do see several white pistils though in your bud pics so I figure you've got another 2 weeks or so to go to ripen this plant nicely. How many weeks has this plant been flowering?


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah man so much thicker than the pic from Friday lmao..I think she's about done developing and now you are just waiting for the bud to be as ripe as you like it which takes some trial and error with unproven strains. Some growers pick at or just before peak of ripeness which IMO is when about 10% of the trichomes have gone from cloudy to Amber. It is always better to wait a bit longer though because the lower parts of the cola buds ripen a bit later than the tops. Waiting longer..I'm talking weeks not days...usually means more smokable buds. I do see several white pistils though in your bud pics so I figure you've got another 2 weeks or so to go to ripen this plant nicely. How many weeks has this plant been flowering?
Awesome dude! She's been in flower since September 15th but was a late bloomer I guess because she didn't have any hairs until around October 10th, this plant is really huge biggest buds I've ever had, and it just blew up out of nowhere, it said on the breeders strain info that this plant yields 600-800 gs, but I expect from a 3week veg she'll yield ATLEAST 2 Oz's lol, is there anyway the buds could over ripen?

The other bud I was asking about the trichs on, was auto critical I chopped most of her but left a couple top colas and the seeded branch on the bottom that later, had some really odd leaf growth, maybe from ruderallis traits eh?

All the pistils were amber when I anitialy harvested but then what I left started shooting out white hairs so I figured it could go another couple weeks, Just been leaching her out...
I gave my buddy some of the autoflowering seeds I made, now I regret it because my plan was to find the nicest female and get her pregnant with the father, we'll if he has her then I can always tell him to use the pollen and give me some seeds...
Thanks for the advice and support!

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Naw almost no such thing as overripe bud because the resin heads develop so slowly. You are saying she's in week 7 or 8 so you've got about another 3 weeks more or maybe less. Best advice I ever got here was if you think they are done wait another 14 days...I give homies all the meh freebies and then ask for cuts later on but that's just how I roll; good luck with your breeding projects and happy harvesting!

Honey Oil Riot Squad

Well-Known Member
Sorry for the late response. Im not logging on nearly as much these days. I'm indoor, it looks like you are outdoor, but here she is. I'm not gonna take her out bc I had to do some serious tying down of the branches a couple weeks ago to tame that stretch (I have a short tent) so there may be some blue dream or top44x bubblegum buds in that mix too I just kinda mainlined all the branches and tied em down (now the stretch is over so I'm good). I've got three strains in there and it is stuffed right now but I've got tons of thick buds (especially from CL's). This is 5 weeks in to flower, but keep in mind my plants almost always tend to finish way earlier than expected bc I go indoor hydro (coco coir). Idk why but Ive run 70+ day strains that finish in 60 days every time (confirmed via the trichs under jewelers loupe). still the best buds I eer smoked haha. But here are some pics. sorry bout the hps. TONS of branching on this plant from only topping twice in veg. I mean like 15 different colas. DAMN. I've never grown a plant that's so perfectly trainable.
^that CL bud grew into the light weeks ago before I tied everything down. That leaf is fuked but that bud is looking good again anyways!


Well-Known Member
Sweet, I'll probably let her go until I can see the amber tichs glistening with My naked eye... That CL smells so lemony skunk its almost too much!

Dope plant Holmes yours looks more hairy than mine but it is definitely a perty plant, I also got the bubblegum x top44 growing, she is a 10ft tall beast but the buds on her aren't near as fat...

Honey Oil Riot Squad

Well-Known Member
Sweet, I'll probably let her go until I can see the amber tichs glistening with My naked eye... That CL smells so lemony skunk its almost too much!

Dope plant Holmes yours looks more hairy than mine but it is definitely a perty plant, I also got the bubblegum x top44 growing, she is a 10ft tall beast but the buds on her aren't near as fat...
Ha! You got top44x bubblegum going too? WTF were growing like all the same strains hahaha. I'm not too impressed by the yield my t44xbg is showing but the buds smell soooo good. Just checked on my blue dream and a couple of the massive buds near the light are foxtailing like crazy, but there's nothing else I can do in terms of height management. Damn. I run into this problem too often lol. But good luck with your harvest!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know right I found that to be quite ironic as well! We must have the same taste in freebies lol! So true the overall yield of bubblegumxtop44 seems to be disappointing but who knows it may suprise us and take off in the last few weeks! Hope so ahaha ... Been growing this massive beast for a year had to transport it in a minivan now my buddy is taking care of her and I get half the yield... I know where she is though hmm
Take it easy y'all my gf phone is cutting off soon so might not be around for a week or so... Peace stay medicated friends!