Best Seedbank to order from in US?

I keep looking at these u.s banks and none of the websites let me search by yield. How the hell am I supposed to shop?.
I had good luck with gorilla and their site is good but now I'm seeing alot of negative on them.
Was thinking the same thing. Also seems like a lot of u.s banks offer no photos and very little in terms of description including yield, it is what it is I suppose.
Some US seedbanks don't even list parents of strains offered for sale. This has kept certain banks off my list. They can do better than that. Pictures don't mean much to me but knowing what I am buying is pretty basic. James bean company does as good as any on description and is lightning fast. You can use a cc.
Nah I ordered them directly from twisty treats website, the crazy thing about it is that they sell their seeds a whole lot cheaper then what oregonelite sells them for, maybe Oregonseeds needs to make some extra for advertising
no the breeder sets the those are 6 pack seeds OES has 12 seeds per pack
I have used James Bean Co and they were extremely fast and easy to deal with.
fast I emailed them on weekday nothing back for two days,i email back telling them cya I found what I was looking for they email back ten minutes later whit a shitty attitude about how busy they r real fast yup they acted like I was bothering them yup great co
just completed first order with james bean co. ordered friday shipped monday w/ tracking # at my door thursday afternoon.they took cc with dicreet beans and some swag too.what more could you want.first experience was first rate
So I want to use midweek song, but sending cash internationally/Bitcoin isn't my thing maby I'm wrong.. They have bank transfer which I'm asking about tomorrow.

Question is.. What legit bank take CC?
Seeds Here Now...US based business plus get your package most likely by the end of the week. I ordered from overseas almost a month ago and am still waiting in the meantime have gotten 3 orders from in the states. If our boys step up the website info and freebie game they'll kill these foreign banks for US orders imo...