Dense buds?


Well-Known Member
Any truth to this? If you run your lights on temp 5 degrees colder than your lights off temp you will get rock hard buds?


Well-Known Member
I've been growing for over 10 years and never heard of that. There are many factors to getting denser buds (strain, nutes, light intensity, environment.....and so on) I personally would not go all crazy trying to do that with your light. Keep things simple and will pay off in the long run. I see more problems with people taking a perfectly healthy plant and try to go the extra mile by changing somthing up and throws everything out of whack.


Well-Known Member
Studies have demonstrated positive results from negative temp differential, what you are describing. And I've read reports from people having success from it, although I don't recall specifically that bud was more dense.

Look it up. Interesting reading.


Well-Known Member
Very Interesting concept my room is 10 degrees cooler with lights out and I've always had pretty dense buds growing Incredible Bulks and Heavy Weight Fruit Punch.
Maybe there's something to it.


Well-Known Member
Nah bro it all depends on the strain, I grew bag seed for yrs, den I got a real strain, big bud x nl, blew my damn mind, harder den a rock, oils smells n trichs galore!! I will gladly spend 100+ on seeds now, don't waste time on something dats not guaranteed


Well-Known Member
Afraid not.....Days warm, nights - 10 degree drop. Little more at night = more color expression out of the plant.....Too much and you begin to block P uptake....
That doc. I found the article and thought is was interesting enough to inquire about it.


Well-Known Member
I drop my temps a lot the last 2 weeks.

Weeks 1-8 79* ambient, 75* lights off
Week 8 75* lights on, 70* lights off
Week 9 to harvest 70* lights on, 65* lights off.

Now I also run co2. Lower temps last few weeks brings out all kinds of colors.

Bud density is Mainly due from strain and genetics, and grower skill.


Well-Known Member
idk about increasing density as much as plant mass but I tried the negative DIF (google to pull some studies on this subject) this summer by running my temps about 5 degrees warmer lights out. The results were fantastic but too many variables in the garden for me to decide whether it was strictly negative DIF or lights that I had changed out in 1/2 my flower room. Will be trying it again next summer in a more controlled test. Without a lot of mods to my room I can't run the increased lights off temps through winter.

I can tell you it had no negative effects, one control clone I'd run many times before produced more than it ever had in the past in 3gal.

Main thing I found was increased uptake and evaporation forced me to water a lot more often, perhaps this was the reason they blew up so big compared to previous runs.

The other significant factor was more stretch in the beginning. If you try this and want to manage stretch, wait until 2-3 weeks to increase your lights off temps.

Here's the control clone I ran using this method in a 3gal, not seeing any downside:



Well-Known Member
Any truth to this? If you run your lights on temp 5 degrees colder than your lights off temp you will get rock hard buds?
Gonna have to call "Bullshit"! I think I have tried them all and an average sized grow area has a 10 deg differential.
Someone is fuckin with ya!Genetics and nutrients killa.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
have not noticed any difference . last summer was 99 f here and night temps were 75 . it ended up all trash ! so I think this post question is bs . now dropping your temps the last few weeks makes a huge difference the very last week I dropped them temps to a stead 63f during the day and night 55 . never had suck rock hard nugs . good topic great question