How to hide electrical cords


Well-Known Member
So we just built some shelving similar to this:


T.V. mounts in the middle and has outlet up high so that's fine, but how do you hide other cords from wifi, dvd player, etc. I am not creative in the least. It's making me mental

I like to use a power strip for the smaller devices,one wire coming out of the wall socket,then you can mount the power strip,where it won't be seen,you can make use of the UN switched plugs that are in the back of some devices.Best to label your wires or color code them,can be a nightmare to unplug something should you need or want to.Their are tons of hide a cord stuff on "things you never new existed"!Smarter image,has some pretty good hide a cord stuff as well.
Black iron pipe frame? Drill it and run the wires in the framework. Hardwire the whole shelf. Mount powerstrips on each shelf. like these:

If you were crafty, you could mount them under the shelf but cut it out so the plugs are flush with the shelf surface. Velcro ties to bundle wires.

PVC pipe cut in half makes a nice cable tray. Paint it to blend in.
Conduit or fish them through walls.
Considered this... but wondered if something easier than tearing up the sheetrock.
Black iron pipe frame? Drill it and run the wires in the framework. Hardwire the whole shelf. Mount powerstrips on each shelf. like these:

If you were crafty, you could mount them under the shelf but cut it out so the plugs are flush with the shelf surface. Velcro ties to bundle wires.

PVC pipe cut in half makes a nice cable tray. Paint it to blend in.
This could work. Thanks @WeedFreak78