What did you accomplish today?

Woulda only had 12 after the storm ...
...and if you have asshole neighbors like me, you'll have'm after as well. Thank you for getting my yard work done ... :joint::bigjoint:
Why is it that reasonable people (us) always seem to have an asshole neighbor? What is the law of averages on that? Meaning could it ever turn out that nice neighbors live next to other nice neighbors and assholes live next to assholes? Or are there more of one kind than another?
Why is it that reasonable people (us) always seem to have an asshole neighbor? What is the law of averages on that? Meaning could it ever turn out that nice neighbors live next to other nice neighbors and assholes live next to assholes? Or are there more of one kind than another?
my neighbors are pretty good.. also got my yard fenced in so leaves dont come in.. ive lived in places where it was easier just to rake the neighbors yard if i was going to rake mine
my neighbors are pretty good.. also got my yard fenced in so leaves dont come in.. ive lived in places where it was easier just to rake the neighbors yard if i was going to rake mine
I have lived everywhere from rural country to the ghetto.

Good and bad everywhere you go. In rural areas your neighbors tend not to be ass holes. Never know when your life may depend on your neighbor when police or ems response times are in the hours. Even more so when that response time is days.
Good idea. I did some 4 season landscape pics for my kid a few years ago: a certain scenic spot and then took pics at each season
I actually spent over $400 just to take some bud pics. Lol. Not really. Well, maybe just a little.

We take lots of pics and videos. Got a couple old trunks full of prints, thousands more in digital. People always call us when pics are needed for various reasons.

They say no mountain lions are here. I know that to be bullshit because I have been standing within a few yards of a couple of them. Catch one of them on video.
The informed pool boys use hypochlorous acid plus hydrochloric to generate elemental chlorine in situ. However hypochlorous acid is not storable, so it has to be supplied as a salt (calcium hypochlorite is the big one there, and i've seen sodium hypochlorite "shock" solutions. The chlorine tablets etc. are hypochlorous acid stabilized as chloramine derivatives. Trichloro-s-triazine is a big player there, and sodium dichloro-s-triazine is a more "rapid' form of pool chlorine. All tese are stabilized activity of hypochlorous acid. The oxidant property of that entity is the basis for killing the things you do not want in your pool, like algae and mosquitoes.

Bottom line, you want to add a hypochlorous acid precursor AND acid to the pool. Using hydrochloric (muriatic) acid for that job has the elegance of keeping your counterion chloride, and that can be oxidized at some future time to the chlorine that is the payoff of all this pool work.

As a professional sexy pool boy. What he said ^^^^^^
Also, took my wife to the doctors. Apparently she has something called Thyromegaly. Her thyroid is a bit enlarged, according to her pcp choking her. Looks the same as the past 9 years to me. The doctor ordered an ultrasound and bloodtests and shit. After looking it up, apparently 90% of cases are due to low iodide levels. Coincidentally my wife bought the non-iodized salt last time. So I kinda think thats all it is if anything. And think my wife's doctor is trying to soak up the last bit of our obamacare. I'm torn between spending hundreds on ultrasounds and bloodtests vs a $1 bottle of salt. I've grown to have a pretty big disdain for the health sector as a whole. Minus hot nurses.
my neighbors are pretty good.. also got my yard fenced in so leaves dont come in.. ive lived in places where it was easier just to rake the neighbors yard if i was going to rake mine
I think whitebb pretty much covered it. I am an asshole neighbor because I'm very inconsistent about yardwork. I keep it in check because what goes around ... and I don't want to owe more than my rake-wielding body can cash.
Also, took my wife to the doctors. Apparently she has something called Thyromegaly. Her thyroid is a bit enlarged, according to her pcp choking her. Looks the same as the past 9 years to me. The doctor ordered an ultrasound and bloodtests and shit. After looking it up, apparently 90% of cases are due to low iodide levels. Coincidentally my wife bought the non-iodized salt last time. So I kinda think thats all it is if anything. And think my wife's doctor is trying to soak up the last bit of our obamacare. I'm torn between spending hundreds on ultrasounds and bloodtests vs a $1 bottle of salt. I've grown to have a pretty big disdain for the health sector as a whole. Minus hot nurses.
I had a dinner last night. My mom was talking to us about my dad going through chemo. My dad wanted to quit after a couple treatments. They would separate my mom because dad would cry and beg them to stop the treatments. The last treatment he had I was home on leave. He said he didn't want to do it. I pulled the lines and walked out with him. More like carried him. The man that raised me, a hero, a firefighter that could carry gear and a full grown man on his shoulders, whittled down to nothing.

They burnt his saliva glands out with radiation and irreversible nerve damage from the chemo.

Cannabis heals all my friend. Actually that falls on us. Exercise, eat right and plenty of water.

I watched as doctors cut golf ball size hunks from my wife because of mrsa. It came back and they wanted to cut more. She said no. We went home and I doctored it with some herbs made into a tincture with alcohol. Gone in three days. The drs didn't believe it and said the antibiotics from the hospital rid it. What ever.

There may be a few good ones but for the most part they are just butchers.