am i doing something wrong here?


Well-Known Member
ok ill break it down for ya.

growing master kush in soil/perlite/vermiculite/peatmoss mix

my tap water ph is 7.6

anytime i water it i put a few tsp of white vinegar in my water to bring the ph down to 6.0.

plant is a few months old now and i just for fun tested run off ph and it was 4.5

didnt know what to do so i just flushed it with tap water

is the vinegar messing things up here for me? my plant is just starting to look bad the new growth is ok but old growth looks bad. ph issue im figuring out

idk what im doing here lol any input would be greatly appreciated ill post pics tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
True it would make a disgusting slimy mess in hydro but it's safe and effective for soil grows...

......If you need it......If your buffers are good in your mix then everyone above is right. Drop the vinegar. The lime or calcium product in the mix will buffer the water. You only need to acidify your water when it's alkalynity is hard enough that continued use raises the ph of your medium. It's because hard water is like pouring a little lime in every time. It builds up. If that is actually happening then you need to use something for acid (ph down) or use nutes that are acidic and include ammonium nitrate.

But only if you know you need it. Best to know your water quality.


Well-Known Member
My water comes at between 7.6 and 8.5 depending if its rain or tap. Rain water is softer than town water. All I do is pH my water to about 6.2 with a little sodium biphosphate. About a quarter teaspoon for .5 - 1L.


Well-Known Member
here is pics of my plant this morning..

i have limestone screening stones in my shed that i use for my tomato garden. is this something i should add to my soil mix? to act as a buffer??

ive always used the same soil mix.. being equal parts soil perlite vermiculite and peat..

what is your guys mixes for soil? id love it if i didnt hsve to worry about ph anymore


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
didn't say it was pm, but look at it, sure looks like it...
could be camera flash reflecting, could be other damage that isn't being clearly represented in that picture...but it looks like pm in that pic

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
How odd.
PM and spider mites prefer different conditions. Mites like hot & dry, PM likes cold & wet.
Heres an Interesting bit of info.

Vectors of transmission
Wooly aphids (Eriosomatinae) and other sucking insects are often vectors of transmission for powdery mildew, and other infectious diseases. Typically wooly aphids in sub temperate climates precede and are an indicator of various infections, including Powdery mildew. Aphids penetrate plant surfaces where they often reside and provide a host of potential inoculants through physical, digestive or fecal secretions. Aphids are often an indicator of other potential plant problems.

Could be why it shows bug damage and pm. Bugs may be gone but brought in pm.