The ballon mortgage of the fourth estate come due


Well-Known Member
Or option C:
You're not worth the keystrokes.
(See option A as it's the same as your poor excuse of option C).
For not being "worthy" of your posts there sure is a lot from you here Squeaky.
You're the only one of the Blue Cuck Crew that I haven't ignored yet which should explain why I see it that way.


Well-Known Member
(See option A as it's the same as your poor excuse of option C).
For not being "worthy" of your posts there sure is a lot from you here Squeaky.
You're the only one of the Blue Cuck Crew that I haven't ignored yet which should explain why I see it that way.
My keystrokes usually cost around $55 an hour...

I'll do it for $45 for you cos you're one of those trailer park Republican types.

You got the cash?


Well-Known Member
I pay for shit all the time so I can see how you could ask for payment for "actual" content.
The difference is the horse manure I buy has a purpose and value in my gardens while your "content" sadly lacks that merit even while being of the same substance.

I bet Buckold would pay for it though, seeing how it likes what you post. ;)


Well-Known Member
I pay for shit all the time so I can see how you could ask for payment for "actual" content.
The difference is the horse manure I buy has a purpose and value in my gardens while your "content" sadly lacks that merit even while being of the same substance.

I bet Buckold would pay for it though, seeing how it likes what you post. ;)
unlike you, i have good taste.

now tell us more about how obama is a gay kenyan mulsim homo, and about how much you totally do not like penises.


Well-Known Member
My keystrokes usually cost around $55 an hour...

I'll do it for $45 for you cos you're one of those trailer park Republican types.

You got the cash?
True fucking story:

I took an old 2004 desktop to a local computer guy to fix because it's loaded with mp3 files.

Guy lives in a shitty cluttered trailer. I picked up computer and noticed he had a framed certificate about being a delegate to the republican convention. I almost threw up. Won't be going back. Never would have guessed a delegate to any convention would live like that, how wrong I was.


Well-Known Member
The Blue Cuck Crew strikes again I find as I was curious how they'd been slandering me while ignored.
Poorly, it seems.

Buckold, good to see you still @ work. ;)

17 "intelligence agencies" had no issues when the Panama papers were released and when Glen Greenwald investigated the "russia hacked the election meme" he traced it back to the source who finally did mention it was a "mistake".
The back and forth between the Sputnik and Newsweek authors is interesting while exposing more "bad" actors.
'Eichenwald urged Moran in an email not to go public — even offering to get him a job at the New Republic to buy his silence. Even more frightening however, the Newsweek columnist and Vanity Fair editor asserted that his conspiracy theory, which was false, came from US Intelligence officials.

"You need to ask yourself — how does someone like me who is deeply wired into the intelligence community know so fast that you had posted this? It’s not like I was sitting around reading Sputnik. Others are though, and they are not reading it 24-hours a day in real time for the purpose of keeping abreast of the news.” It appears that Eichenwald is stating that the US Intelligence community immediately fed him this story to push a false conspiracy theory, linking Trump and the evil Russians.'

'The “17 agencies that actually confirmed” it was the Russians?
Well it turns out that was one guy, namely DCI James Clapper: the head of US intelligence. The same man who committed perjury before congress after his NSA surveillance program was leaked. He issued a statement that included the phrase:

'We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.'

The very next sentence is also of interest:

'Some states have also recently seen scanning and probing of their election-related systems, which in most cases originated from servers operated by a Russian company.
However, we are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government.'

The word “confirmed” does not appear anywhere in this statement."

But you're spouting it w/o supporting evidence of any kind much like Hitlery?
Both ABC and the "rededicated" NYT branded it true (and the list above wouldn't happen to have them in it, would it?) so you could have @ least used those.

But some are trying to salvage their reputations as WaPo broke ranks on this one and said "This tweet, retweeted thousands of times, is at best misleading."

Good of you to keep on topic and keep up the good "work". ;)

Having the "sterling support" of Tangi and Babaloo sure helps.

Oh, I suppose Newsweek columnist Kurt Eichenwald should be added to the list above.

EDIT: BTW it's interesting that when wikileaks was showing war atrocities in Iraq and publishing Sarah Palins emails that no one said it was the ruskies.
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