chicken coupe ideas? (sorry don't know where to post this)

I havent botherd to read this my appologies..but:

An old mate of mine used to grow his crop in the middle of his chicken coup.His chicken "house" was 4 sided and one end swung out. he had space for 4 largish plants in the inside square. No fertilizer needed.

he also used to pickle magic mushrooms that i brought him..but thats another story or 3.
You do know,you don't need a rooster to have eggs,You only need a rooster for fertilized eggs.Also,speaking of eggs,the hen has a special gland that coats the egg in a clear seal that locks out bacteria,if your eggs are clean and don't need to be wiped off,you can keep eggs in a basket on the table,no need to refrigerate,the reason store bought eggs have salmonella in them is that the protective coating is washed off at the farms,allowing the bacteria to enter the egg.
You do know,you don't need a rooster to have eggs,You only need a rooster for fertilized eggs.Also,speaking of eggs,the hen has a special gland that coats the egg in a clear seal that locks out bacteria,if your eggs are clean and don't need to be wiped off,you can keep eggs in a basket on the table,no need to refrigerate,the reason store bought eggs have salmonella in them is that the protective coating is washed off at the farms,allowing the bacteria to enter the egg.
Yeah I read that about the eggs when I first bought the chicks.. That is wild as hell huh?
I decided to raise my own layers because I do trust government owned or run, super farms that pump whatever into the chickens or eggs..
From what I've read on eggs is they can lay on the ground for as many as ten days without being sat on , and still be viable to grow a chick in it. As long as their kept below 68°f And they can keep along time unwashed because of an enzyme secreted by the hen to pertect it..

We only wash are eggs before we eat"m.. Thanks for the info though, much appreciation.
Oh yeah. I crack the eggs over a bowl instead of a pan.. Would kinda ruin breakfast if a partially developed chick fell into my scrambled eggs. Lol
If you own chickens and they free range, chances are you soon will be cursing them for ripping up your garden. Best defense against this in my opinion

Fun as hell throwing screaming mortar rounds in the air at trespassing chickens. Like a screaming raptor. They learn fast......well kinda.
I curse them all the time,we have to fence in the garden,they got into my freshly transplanted weed garden last spring,dug up every seedling,I was ready to kill-em all let me tell ya.
This does work well scaring the shit out of them. I normally throw like rag arm Annie but with this I am like Brett Farve. Would never pay that walmart price though. Think I got mine for 8 bucks.
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Moisture is the issue not so much cold. A well vented coop with no drafts and the right breed of birds. I've had nights of -30 and only get frostbite on tall comb breeds. Make sure their perch is wide enough so the feet can tuck in their feathers a bit. A skinny perch exposes their toes underneath. An extra layer of shavings over roost to control moisture on cold nights.
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I have a digital thermometer in the coupe about pertch&Laying box high. One heat light . and it's 33°f now.. There's no moisture in the coupe at all.. Just checked them and they seem content except for my bantam that's huddled directly under the lamp.
Just be careful. In my opinion its not needed. I only feed hot oatmeal when it cold. My breeds are all hardy though. heat on cold nights creates moisture from their breath and droppings which in turn creates frostbite conditions.
Just be careful. In my opinion its not needed. I only feed hot oatmeal when it cold. My breeds are all hardy though. heat on cold nights creates moisture from their breath and droppings which in turn creates frostbite conditions.
Good tip thanks.. That's the type of info I'm lookin fur
I have 6 layers, no roosters. I let them free range but I keep a light on a timer in their coup so they lay regularly, 12/12. Never had a problem with the cold and I'm in northern WI.
So you don't heat the coop at all? I'm in ohio and have been brainstorming different ways to heat the coop.