Bict 16/17. Straya m8 2.0

After evaluating ( aka starring at the photos of my plants to reassure myself) I reckon i can still pull this off. I reckon the food i gave em yesterday will do em some good. I'm also around my plot for the next two weeks so I'll be able to baby them until they get bigger. Also, I looked at my photos from last season and the lone plant I had in the ground, which turned into nearly the biggest, was smaller at this same time last year..

I'll just count the lower growth as nature doing my lollipoping for me. The new shoots have finally started to grow and I'm just going to consider that where i put all my concern into.
After evaluating ( aka starring at the photos of my plants to reassure myself) I reckon i can still pull this off. I reckon the food i gave em yesterday will do em some good. I'm also around my plot for the next two weeks so I'll be able to baby them until they get bigger. Also, I looked at my photos from last season and the lone plant I had in the ground, which turned into nearly the biggest, was smaller at this same time last year..

I'll just count the lower growth as nature doing my lollipoping for me. The new shoots have finally started to grow and I'm just going to consider that where i put all my concern into.
Fucken hell dude i got blood pressure problems your not helping me with all your stress you know
Go have a bong
And then have another one