Israel is burning!


Well-Known Member
I was referring to the US airstrikes that killed 62 syrian armed forces.
oh, so no comment on the fact that you have been duped by russian propaganda? no attempt to cite that at all?

no comment on the 8 businesses trump registered in russia, either?

thought so.


Well-Known Member

Buck has an over inflated opinion of his own beliefs

He's shit at debating, useless at discourse and I enjoy highlighting this for all to see.

His cronies reply to support him but the truth is in print for all to see....he is weak and will not debate as he is as ill informed.

Any neutral observer sees this

Trophy points:68 :clap:

Congratulations! you won the support of three bigots RIU. Your mother must be sooo proud :roll:


Well-Known Member
Trophy points:68 :clap:

Congratulations! you won the support of three bigots RIU. Your mother must be sooo proud :roll:
This means nothing to me as it isn't written in a universal language.

All I will say is a bigot may be a bigot, but you calling them that doesn't make them that as you've claimed many things, used many insults, all out of context and it is you I dismiss


Well-Known Member
This means nothing to me as it isn't written in a universal language.

All I will say is a bigot may be a bigot, but you calling them that doesn't make them that as you've claimed many things, used many insults, all out of context and it is you I dismiss
the average age by which a russian male has been cucked three times is 28.7 years old.


Well-Known Member
Buck.. your the last one to comment on overweight women... isnt your Wife a Big Ol Jolly Jewish Princess ..

BTW Buck.. didnt u swear to delete your account .. wtf ? Your word is nothing


Well-Known Member
If you have a question about my stance, I'd love to hear it. I have what I believe are very good reasons.

I also want to slap down the criticism that because I don't agree with everything the Israeli government does, I must be antisemitic. Nothing could be further from the truth!

The facts are that Israel is a religious state, built on ground stolen from murdered Palestinians, committing untold human rights violations on a daily basis EVEN AGAINST NON JEWISH ISRAELI CITIZENS.

Therefore, the State of Israel has no more claim to being a country of morals than the 'Caliphate' of ISIS.

It turns out that most of my (many) Jewish friends agree with me. They're as disgusted by Israel's conflation of its human rights abuses with their religion as anyone. This is the one area where I strongly disagree with the Jewish Antidefamation League's stances- they'd have us believe that being a Jewish state, all those human rights abuses are justifiable. It only costs them their own credibility.


Well-Known Member
Let those pines trees masking Palestianian civilization land burn !!!! Thier as indigenous as european jews. I have no sympathy for land steeling baby killers ! I feel sorry for thier brainwashed asses actually.They dont need no water let the motherfucker burn ! End of story !


Well-Known Member
If you have a question about my stance, I'd love to hear it. I have what I believe are very good reasons.

I also want to slap down the criticism that because I don't agree with everything the Israeli government does, I must be antisemitic. Nothing could be further from the truth!

The facts are that Israel is a religious state, built on ground stolen from murdered Palestinians, committing untold human rights violations on a daily basis EVEN AGAINST NON JEWISH ISRAELI CITIZENS.

Therefore, the State of Israel has no more claim to being a country of morals than the 'Caliphate' of ISIS.

It turns out that most of my (many) Jewish friends agree with me. They're as disgusted by Israel's conflation of its human rights abuses with their religion as anyone. This is the one area where I strongly disagree with the Jewish Antidefamation League's stances- they'd have us believe that being a Jewish state, all those human rights abuses are justifiable. It only costs them their own credibility.
Tty, that was not meant for you. My mistake. I just now realized that it could be misconstrued.

I was reacting to the op. I meant it as "big deal". my fault, I should have quoted somebody.


Well-Known Member
Left wing MSM and gossip mags have people convinced Israel is the seat of evil and so they have no compassion for 75k people being burned out of their homes.

2-3 civilians die during a
If you have a question about my stance, I'd love to hear it. I have what I believe are very good reasons.

I also want to slap down the criticism that because I don't agree with everything the Israeli government does, I must be antisemitic. Nothing could be further from the truth!

The facts are that Israel is a religious state, built on ground stolen from murdered Palestinians, committing untold human rights violations on a daily basis EVEN AGAINST NON JEWISH ISRAELI CITIZENS.

Therefore, the State of Israel has no more claim to being a country of morals than the 'Caliphate' of ISIS.

It turns out that most of my (many) Jewish friends agree with me. They're as disgusted by Israel's conflation of its human rights abuses with their religion as anyone. This is the one area where I strongly disagree with the Jewish Antidefamation League's stances- they'd have us believe that being a Jewish state, all those human rights abuses are justifiable. It only costs them their own credibility.
There is a difference between Judaism and Zionism...


Well-Known Member

If you got kicked from your home would you be friends with them :!::!::!:
Let's not forget 'murdered', 'corralled into refugee camps' and 'denied food, building materials, clean water or the chance to pursue a livelihood'.

@Flaming Pie you are woefully misinformed about the history of Israel and Palestine. I suggest reading up on the subject instead of believing everything the Faux Spews channel tells you. Remember, they aren't accountable for telling the truth anymore. By statute.
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