Mold prevention?


Well-Known Member
Don't mind him buck hates white males with a passion

But you are being a stereotypical white male, use the search bar....


Well-Known Member
Don't mind him buck hates white males with a passion

But you are being a stereotypical white male, use the search bar....

I use 'nig' but either way Even if I was to have zero connection with that term and skin color I'm still racist.

I don't think nig when I look at Carleton, but when I see people outside a welfare office with new clothes and flashy whips and neck tattoos I think .. Nigs., I don't holler it out the window it's internally


Well-Known Member
I have heard that diluted skim milk works well to control mold/PM, but I have not tried it -- yet.
I heard that too, I kno with my squash plants that were very susceptible to mold I used to use baking soda and dish soap with water . Worked like a charm. But I really don't know about spray soap mix on plants. Or if it will even work on buds. Leaves I kno it will work

Freddie Millergogo

Well-Known Member
Believe it or not I did this and I had a bit of bud rot. I was pretty disappointed
Powdery Mildew or mold? I used some of that Bonide Copper spray but there are a lot of things you can use for PM.

Bud rot? Try using cloth pots. They really seem to work well if you are growing in soil or some form of coco. Also see chunky stool's post above.

Fans and dehumidifiers too.


Well-Known Member
Fresh air, lots of exhaust. Prevention is key, if it gets moldy you failed and should throw that shit away unless you want to smoke it yourself and risk getting sick.

My flowering room is usually in the 55-70% humidity range and no mold in years. Better vpd but I have a LOT of exhaust/intake for the size of room.