Ode to my One hitter


Well-Known Member
Ode to my one hitter

My sweet little contraption, you treat me so well.
You live in my pocket, and you turned out quite swell.

We go on adventures, you're always by my side.
Even in busy public venues I use you with pride.

You look like a ciggy, you're very discreet.
When I get out of a building you're my special little treat.

I love my one hitter this holiday season.
I shall buy one for mum, because of all these reasons.

Happy holidays.
Ode to my one hitter

My sweet little contraption, you treat me so well.
You live in my pocket, and you turned out quite swell.

We go on adventures, you're always by my side.
Even in busy public venues I use you with pride.

You look like a ciggy, you're very discreet.
When I get out of a building you're my special little treat.

I love my one hitter this holiday season.
I shall buy one for mum, because of all these reasons.

Happy holidays.

Not much of a poet, but here's a pic of my close companion.

A little beat up, but I have a brand new never used one as a backup and another older purple one hidden somewhere so well, I forgot where I hid it. They always turn up though.
Who hasn't appreciated a dugout at one time or another, many got their organized portable start with mary jane with them. I prefer a glass chillum with a larger bowl. They are a lot less maintenance and more colorful.
Who hasn't appreciated a dugout at one time or another, many got their organized portable start with mary jane that way. I prefer a glass chillum with a larger bowl. They are a lot less maintenance and more colorful.
Your difference of opinion can only be accepted when set to a rhyme.
Naw that's cool I prefer the bong if given all choices. Portability of the one hitter and proximity to my person this morning led to said thread.
Your difference of opinion can only be accepted when set to a rhyme.
Naw that's cool I prefer the bong if given all choices. Portability of the one hitter and proximity to my person this morning led to said thread.
I've never really done one hitters.
Look behind my childhood shitter
See what I did hide so long -
my smoking-tool: acrylic bong!
