Thug pug genetics anyone?

Definitely looks like cookies. Gromer posted on instagram about the meatloaf cut. Supposedly it has a very unique smell that other cookie cuts do not have, and that is what really makes it special. beautiful work, not just these, but every thing you post. Your plants are so perfect they almost look fake the picture of the cheeseburger on the menu lol...too perfect!
hey thanks man. the high quality genetics do all the work:)

this pheno smells like brownie batter and gas to me.
Here's my gorilla breath I grew, dried and trimmed going into the jar tonight to sit for a few weeks. I sampled a little nug, this stuff is fire!

Smells sweet and hashy, tastes like nothing I've ever had before, so I really can't nail down the's good though, I keep dry hitting my bowl it tastes so good. Has a strong incense smell when you burn it, really heavy and lingers around for a long time.

Only downside so far is this has been the worst producing plant I've ever grown lol, oh and I did find 1 nanner on one of the buds when I trimmed. I'm going to keep this mom and run her a couple more times.tmp_6149-20161204_173557362829746.jpg tmp_6149-20161204_173720-1133792196.jpg tmp_6149-20161204_1744541894281376.jpg tmp_6149-20161204_174615-1271264865.jpg
Here's my gorilla breath I grew, dried and trimmed going into the jar tonight to sit for a few weeks. I sampled a little nug, this stuff is fire!

Smells sweet and hashy, tastes like nothing I've ever had before, so I really can't nail down the's good though, I keep dry hitting my bowl it tastes so good. Has a strong incense smell when you burn it, really heavy and lingers around for a long time.

Only downside so far is this has been the worst producing plant I've ever grown lol, oh and I did find 1 nanner on one of the buds when I trimmed. I'm going to keep this mom and run her a couple more times.View attachment 3845703 View attachment 3845704 View attachment 3845706 View attachment 3845707
looks great man, sticky and super resinous !

so has anyone used incan lama to purchase seeds before?
couple iphone captures on day 56
this is the peanut butter breath, ogkb leaning traits (the freakish yet incredibly psychedelic looking fan leaves, dark and leather green texture, very slow growth...painfully slow, very resinous as you can see)

super savory terps on this one-no sweetness at all.
it's like funky roasted peanuts, gonna be cool to see how it finishes out.

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Done something crazy à couple days ago I cutted my pugsbreath and put her back in veg , I can't lose this pheno since my clone died and even more after an early smoke test , the sweet licorice smell change and become à french sweet they called "dragées" if you taste one , you know what her smell and taste ,this is crazy how à like is the smell , it stay on my finger for hour (got my friends looking weird at me after à couple of finger smell lol) IMG_20161203_161249638.jpg
A dragée if you know the name in english tell me I don't know but the smell is exactly the same ori-dragees-roses-amande-avola-1kg-medicis-2640.jpg
Hope so cuz of u guys I either got some meatbreath pbbreath and thugsbreath otw or I'm out 240 we will see shortly
You'll be fine. I'm waiting on a pack of the pb breath myself so if you're out, I'm prolly out. Then dude gets absolutely roasted :) but like I said I have 2 or 3 completed orders with him so it should be all good
Done something crazy à couple days ago I cutted my pugsbreath and put her back in veg , I can't lose this pheno since my clone died and even more after an early smoke test , the sweet licorice smell change and become à french sweet they called "dragées" if you taste one , you know what her smell and taste ,this is crazy how à like is the smell , it stay on my finger for hour (got my friends looking weird at me after à couple of finger smell lol) View attachment 3846561
A dragée if you know the name in english tell me I don't know but the smell is exactly the same View attachment 3846562
That looks like a reeses pieces homie :)
Any chance you guys could put me in contact with the member that has the PB or any other thug pug beans? I stumbled upon this thread trying to find Meat and PB. Thanks in advance.