Finally, a Pizzagate Arrest! Now we are getting somewhere.

How sweet. An dumbass quoting the insane.

Ohhhhh, yeah....

I honestly believe that UB is a seriously disturbed individual with mental problems and that his lackeys around here stay for the kicks of being able to personally attack people without threat of punishment.

Dont get me wrong, I have been on forums like this for decades, nothing wrong with them.

This place sucks....kick a rock...wahhhhhhhh....Buck is so FAB....WAHHHHHH....I HATE you, dad, I wish I was never BORN, OK?!?

Eh, I've been here for years. It's pretty awesome, tho.

Thanks. And you're a multi-quoted racist type who can't even tell us how Obama divided the country, despite repeating it over and over.

See, yet again another personal attack. You do not even know how to properly debate anymore do you?

Mebbe they never taut you in skool.
Ill bite I'm not tainted yet. Do you beleive Hilary eats babies and helps hide a child slavery ring? Do you believe in pizza gate? What have you seen that makes you feel that way?

the hundreds of emails, take the fbi codeword decoder and it becomes quite obvious what they are talking about.