Why I like Sarah Palin ...


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to make her look bad..but at 17...I knew where my child was...she was running state PEOPLE.....not her home..soo you be the judge???????


Active Member
I met Sarah in a restaurant in naknek alaska, great woman. As a 17 year old (when i met her) she made me understand why it was important to vote, and how i can make a difference by knowing my rights and my government. Any woman that can convince ME to vote, has got some balls of steal!!!

Big P

Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to make her look bad..but at 17...I knew where my child was...she was running state PEOPLE.....not her home..soo you be the judge???????

my parents were better the text book parents

and look how turned out:blsmoke:

highschool drop out, and many other things i dare not mention

my wifes parents I hate to say were horendous.

alcohalic dad, and everything else about being raised in a messed up home and she is 100% clean cut no drugs went to colledge and 100% not a fuck up

so I think u judge without knowledge, no offense

but its like when people do that to palin, unfairly judge her in a very sexist manner, even as other women do this to her, most people can see through that, as either jealousy or just partisain statments from a person who is already in the tank for liberals

so independents and discouraged republics will see this, including fence sitting women, and vote for McCain

you guys are gonna help obama lose, its clear, i feel bad obama cant even control his own parties vitrial

but ever since the crazy libs started showing thier true colors by attacking palin on Unjust issues as opposed to the real issues obamas campain has been in a defcon 1 freefall uncontrolled spin into defeat

Maximum force readiness, Scramble, War has begun.


New Member

I have an automatic, so keeping it cocked and locked (Colt .45 auto) I don't. I think the sound of me racking it would dissuade most invaders, and what does that take, 1/4 of a second? My Glock 9 has that very easy to overide "safety", So I also don't keep it cocked. Of course the .357 is double action,(Colt Python), no need to cock it either, and racking my 12 guage may be the most frightening sound, and the last that a home invader would ever hear!


Well-Known Member
in the office no under my desk yes, in my opinion she's better than biden, but mc cain is satan... i have dirty thoughts everytime she talks but meh mc cain is satan. besides, pow camp=ptsd, ptsd is not good for presidency


New Member
in the office no under my desk yes, in my opinion she's better than biden, but mc cain is satan... i have dirty thoughts everytime she talks but meh mc cain is satan. besides, pow camp=ptsd, ptsd is not good for presidency
Ha ha ha he he ho ho, under the desk, shades of Bill Clinton, eh? Got to watch out, lipstick on the dipstick will tell a tale.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Oh yes it is, Stoney. Read the article, especially the last part. Palin is a libertarian thinker ... a lot like Ron Paul. If you've read my earlier posts, before McCain picked Palin as his running mate, then you know that I wasn't supporting McCain. Like I said ... one heartbeat away. :bigjoint:

Hi Vi,

I think that is great that you like her.. Liking people is good. And Ron Paul is a great guy. From what i can tell he is sincere and honest.

I don't see the similarities between Ron and Sara but if she gets elected, I hope you are right..



Well-Known Member
blasphemy! she is nothing like ron paul, he was a constitutionalist, she is a neoconservative like mccain thus why he picked her a girl who'll play on the boys side.


Well-Known Member
blasphemy! she is nothing like ron paul, he was a constitutionalist, she is a neoconservative like mccain thus why he picked her a girl who'll play on the boys side.
McCain is alot closer to the middle than Palin would dare to tread. Think you are confused..


Well-Known Member
You are thinking linear, the real political spectrum is more of a circle, with Left being Democrats/Socialism, Right being Republicans/Fascism, Up being Libertarians/Individualism and Down being... I don't know.


New Member
Hi Vi,

I think that is great that you like her.. Liking people is good. And Ron Paul is a great guy. From what i can tell he is sincere and honest.

I don't see the similarities between Ron and Sara but if she gets elected, I hope you are right..iloveyou
Thanks for the nice post. Much appreciated. :)



Well-Known Member
Med, so what is that, Fundamentalism? does that include Environmental Fundamentalism (left and down) and Religious Fundamentalism (right and down?)


New Member
So, the question was asked: "Where do women go now?"

How about listening to what Sarah Palin is saying? She's a constitutionalist and a reformer. Take a look at what the status quo in Washington has gotten us. The DOW dropped over 500 points today in response to the huge failures on Wall Street. The problems have been caused by mismanagement, special favors and regulations passed by the Congress and Senate. Let's let Palin and McCain try to stop the corruption. Don't rely on O'Bama ... he, right behind Chris Dodd, has taken the majority of the lobby money from the financial firms, in return for special legislation that cause the failures.

Palin and McCain have promised to end pork and corruption. McCain has said that he will "Make these people famous ... and will name names." Once elected, it will be up to us to hold their feet to the fire.

Come on gang ... let's get a clue here.
