Hey from Alaska


Active Member
Just wanted to say whats up from the biggest state in the US! LOL and the only one that allows 4oz per person in the state!!! feel free to come to Alaska, i got plenty of room for your 4oz too!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the Site....
Lots of good info here...

Emerald Island, eh?!?!
Beautiful place...

I'm on the Bearing Sea Coast...

Catch you later...



Well-Known Member
Just wanted to say whats up from the biggest state in the US! LOL and the only one that allows 4oz per person in the state!!! feel free to come to Alaska, i got plenty of room for your 4oz too!
welcome .................................. I wish I could go there .. maybe one day:weed:


Well-Known Member

Ditto on the Matanuska Thunderfuck. I had a buddy claim to have some of that ish once. It blew me right away, now shit. But I have no idea if it was the real deal...

What can you tell us in the lower 48 about MTF? And have you ever sold/bought/shared a bag of weed with Sarah Palin? There's no way I can vote for her if she's fucked up smoking weed like ol Billy Clinton...i'd just like to get the scoop from an insider.

On the weed, I mean. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Oh they'd have to pay me more than that to live in AK. What's the m/f ratio there? Nope. Car engine heaters? Whew...that's just too much.

I mean, it sounds good...but like most things all adventurey like that, it's really just better in theory.

Maybe I'm just a hater cause I'm from the #2 biggest state. And even if you cut it in two, it would only make TX #3.

And what the eff do I know...but wouldn't $3600 be an appropriate figure to budget for heating a drafty cabin for a year?

sheeit...3600. i mean it's cool if you're already there, but i don't know if it could tempt an old tejano...

course, you throw in a few hundred acres of that prime matanuska valley, we may have a different deal going....


Well-Known Member
I am surprised no one asked about the igloos....:wall: LOL....

dont they pay you to live in alaska
No, they pay you BECAUSE you live in AK, and only after you are a resident for more than one year...

Alaska residents cash in on annual dividend

Every resident to get $3,269 in state oil royalties, energy rebate

Alaska residents cash in on dividend - Life - MSNBC.com
Yeah... the Permanent Dividend Fund (PFD) ... It varies in amount... I have seen it as low as $800... and yes some people do qualify for energy assistance, especially in the Bush (parts of AK that are not accessible by road), I have seen diesel being sold for $12 a gallon in the Bush....
Try heating your drafty cabin when it is 50 below zero outside... FOR 3 WEEKS STRAIGHT.... now make winter last 9 months and summers be around 50F/10C and very few jobs... Yeah, some people need that assistance....

I heard something about that. Like the oil companies pay every resident for drilling in their state. I bet the cost of living is higher up there though.
The cost of living is absurd in some places...
Anchorage is not bad... Big City... proportional male to female ratios... every convenience available for a small fee

But when you go past the last road... across the lost hills... things change... and $800, $1600 or even $3600 helps, butt it really isn't shit inthe grand scheme of things...

Most Alaskans end up buying gifts with their money... though some do use it to pay bills...

Oh, and it's not free money.... the oil companies are making a KILLING... LITERALLY....

Oh they'd have to pay me more than that to live in AK. What's the m/f ratio there? Nope. Car engine heaters? Whew...that's just too much.

I mean, it sounds good...but like most things all adventurey like that, it's really just better in theory.

Maybe I'm just a hater cause I'm from the #2 biggest state. And even if you cut it in two, it would only make TX #3.

And what the eff do I know...but wouldn't $3600 be an appropriate figure to budget for heating a drafty cabin for a year?

sheeit...3600. i mean it's cool if you're already there, but i don't know if it could tempt an old tejano...

course, you throw in a few hundred acres of that prime matanuska valley, we may have a different deal going....
It's definitely not for everyone...

I ENJOY waking up at camp on those crisp -40 mornings... nothing moving... there is something very "ZEN" about the Arctic...

Been here 7 years and will leave when Arthritis says I have to... (too many broken bones over the years)...

Can you see Russia from where you live in Alaska?
You can only see Western Siberia from The Seward Peninsula on a very clear day... kinda like you can see Cuba from Key West...

Or if you fly out to Little Diamede... from there you can see Big Diamede and the continent....

Alaska is the Great Land... not better than other places, just very unique in it's geagraphy and wilderness...

From where I live, you can choose a direction on the map and you may not hit civilization AT ALL before you find the sea... People are the minority...

I hope this helps...



Active Member
gypsy, i'm stoked about how much you know about alaska!!! THIS year we got a huge PFD+heating supliment but they also raised the cost of natural gas 22%. Lucky me, i live on an island that uses fuel and not natural gas, but alot of people on the mainland (anchorage, wasilla, palmer, and fairbanks) all use natural gas!

as far as m/f ratio, it really depends on where you live. Alaska has 4 main military stations, and those are where the ratio of males to females explodes. 2 in Anchorage, 1 in Fairbanks and the Largest coast guard base in north america is in my town of Kodiak. Then if you go deep into the bush its mainly males cause its quite a hard life.

ok, all MTF that i have ever hurd of comes from the hands of old hippies. SO unless you get it DIRECTLY from an old alakan hippy, then you didn't get the real thing. I know quite a few hippies that have chest freezers full of weed dateing back to the 1960's. And then, and only then can you get true MTF, if you want any kinda cross of it... you can't find any cross past 1987.

i think i got all those questions answered... anymore, let me know


Well-Known Member
I had a couple of buddies from AK. They tell crazy ass stories that I'm sure fail to penetrate the awesomeness of that big ass wilderness.

One of the homies is a black dude who moved there from detroit when he was 13 in the early 70's. His perceptions and experiences of AK are some of the most poignant and hillarious that I've ever heard about anyplace.

Of course, he moved to the lower 48 as soon as he could grow two hairs on his chin...

He had a crazy 'good luck' charm he'd whip out when it would be appropriately hillarious... Why don't you tell these fine folk about the many wonderful properties of the oosik that we just don't get in the lower 48. :shock:


Well-Known Member
Kodiakgirl2006 said:
gypsy, i'm stoked about how much you know about alaska!!!
Well, Thank You...:-P

Kodiakgirl2006 said:
SO unless you get it DIRECTLY from an old alakan hippy, then you didn't get the real thing.
:leaf::leaf::-PSo True...:-P:leaf:

Why don't you tell these fine folk about the many wonderful properties of the oosik that we just don't get in the lower 48. :shock:
Haha...!!! Good one... I had a poem a while back...

Anyway, I will let the Lady of the room explain that one...lol...:o

I have a memory of watching a girl tugging on a stinky, bloated, dead walrus... only pausing to :spew:... never seen a girl want a penis that bad... lol....:clap:


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU kodiakgirl! I just moved up here from the deep south so I'm completely naked up here in terms of knowing wtf I'm doing, especially when the snow hits... watch out for me for sure! :eyesmoke: