Has anyone ever switched off advanced?


Active Member
To start I'm a new Ebb and flow-er.

I'm on roughly my 4th grow ( by grow I mean tear down and rebuild of method ) however my plants are coming off 45 rounds of cloning. My new mom is #46. This particular plant has been on General Hydro since seed #1 and cloned well...a lot. Always on GH

I've moved from dirt -> dwc -> rwdc ( most successful ) -> Ebb/Flow.

Im seeing issues with my ebb and flow and while I do get i have 1000 variables my main concern is I've also switched to Advanced Nutes. I was super excited but after fooling with it but I think I miss GH, but I want to make sure I'm giving it a fair shake. I'm seeing some cal deficiency, some N deficiency and a few other odd things. My plants don't look very happy.

Have any of you been unsatisfied with advanced's program? It's my understanding Advanced is the way to go.

Grow Specs:

2 3x5 trays with 8 Lemon G Plants
2 x 15 gallon res
Flooding every 3 hrs for 15 mins.
600w hortilux x 2

Standard environmental controls. Heat / ac / carbon / fans


Flood interval?. I tried ebb and flow same plant same nutes same light but left the tray flooding 24x7 and had decent results. I read that's too much and the roots dry out.

Nute calc: I used advanced's nute calc which puts me about 228ml / 15gal for my A/B. They don't call for cal-mag until later in flower but I'm seeing major deficiency's.

Odd coloring in the plants. I have my table laser level so all plants should be getting consistant nutes. The plants are lighter than I would like.

Last thought.. my plant didn't seem to like these nutes in dirt either.


Well-Known Member
Nutes are to high. I never exceed 2 ml per litre from switch to flower whole way through. Use cal mag if using r o and with advanced you should be using ro. All I use is a and b big bud overdrive. And have fantastic results. I also use some bunnies and a few hand water organics and it's easy and I never ph.


Active Member
I think you're feeding too much I feed twice a day during lights on for 15 minutes that's for a 4x8 table with 70 gallon Reservoir 32 plants


Well-Known Member
that's at full strength, how old are the plants? As big a fan of AN as I am after using them a few years I would have stuck with GH in your situation because you are also learning a new style. Cut the nutes in half, see how they do, definitely don't run them at full strength until you get your ebb and flow dialed in


Well-Known Member
AN runs hot. Thier Connie A+B full strength(4ml/gal) +OD+BIG BUD+B52( @ANS rec. dose) =something like 2200ppm, I don't remember exactly. They use the .7 scale, I originally thought it was .5 scsle, so I though I was down around 1400ppm@max..nope!

I only ran 2 cycles with it, it didn't like my tap water, and I needed to add Ca/Mg with RO.

Which AN product? Water quality? Plant strain and age?

Bank Breaker

Well-Known Member
I've been using AN Conni for about 3 runs now. It's by far the easiest nutrients I've worked with. I debated starting out with 1L Sensi Grow/Bloom to see what they're all about but the guy at my grow shop gave me a deal on the Gallons for the Conni grow/bloom so I took the dive. I think it came out to about $120CAD for the GH Micro/Grow/Bloom gallon trio. I paid like $200 for 4 AN bottles.
I've used tap water with everything. My tap comes out around 7.7 PH to maybe 8.2 PH with 70-90 PPM.

I moved on from:

Dr Hornby's All in one Medione nutrients *stinks but all organic *adjust ph

Dutch Master Gold Range- Good stuff, never experienced any cal mag def with my tap water* still have to adjust ph

GH M-G-B- Tried and true still gotta adjust PH after mixing. I ended up using more of this per Gallon compared to AN. Also, without any bennies, humic/fulvic acid in soil/promix you'll end up getting crusty surface dirt even at 1/4 strength. In DWC buckets, it just leaves some salt marks which you can wash off.. no big deal. You'll get PH swings with GH through out the week, so you'll have to be diligent and be on top of that.

AN Conni- I'm assuming you're already on AN line of nutes so I'll leave that to you.

Bank Breaker

Well-Known Member
AN runs hot. Thier Connie A+B full strength(4ml/gal) +OD+BIG BUD+B52( @ANS rec. dose) =something like 2200ppm, I don't remember exactly. They use the .7 scale, I originally thought it was .5 scsle, so I though I was down around 1400ppm@max..nope!
I second this... I've never been able to run any line of nutes full strength without seeing some kind of burn lol..

Anyone here tried full strength and are loving it??


Well-Known Member
I love AN nutes but like said above half strength
ANYONE using the nutes needs to checkout the website.......... the ph perfect works best if one uses the whole line ....that is how it is designed i cant stress this enough.....if beginning ....use the whole line..... it is an investment i know .....Its not the ph that is important but the molecular uptake at a wider ph range

horrible analogy but one would not take dog to the vet and get only half the vaccinations


Well-Known Member
I use the gmb at full strength, no problems other than a bit of tip burn, though if i have enough beans to spare ill give seedlings bigger doses(like say a feed of 2ml per litre, big dose for a seedling) to weed out the ones that cant handle it early on so i could just be ending up with ones that can tolerate it well. I haven't tried Connie yet but I may try a bucket with it at some point and see how it goes. I had a sample size set of the full line and the results were very good, I am going to start building a one litre set of the add ons when I can.