2016 Fall BBQ & Pig Roast Sat/Sun Dec 10th-11th

If anyone didn't get a sample make sure you get one before I leave the area!
Alright guys I'm leaving. PM sometime for my number if you need any work done. thank you JJ and everyone who contributed and attended. and thanks for leaving my bud lite behind lmao, that was meant for you guys. @doublejj one of your helpers accidentally traded me carb caps, his is much nicer so I don't mind, but I don't think he noticed. blonde kid, I'm bad with names lol.

Seriously thank you again everyone for the hospitality and kindness! thank you @nuggs for providing me with a roof so I didn't have to camp out in the weather!

See you all in the spring!
Me and James are now 215 complient legal folks, thanks California and riu, best birthday ever! The bbq was amazing and the emerald cup was fucking impressive for two locals from where we stay, tons of pics to follow when I get back to the hotel in Sacramento
Another GREAT BBQ. The weather put a damper on the attendance numbers, but the crowd that showed was ready to party.
Big shout out to @doublejj, "the bossman and crew". All class acts and fucken hard ass workers. None of this happens without the love and dedication that Double jj & crew have to make this happen. We as "attendees" need to step up our game and lend more of a helping hand to this man & crew. When I showed up @ 11:20am, jj was in his van resting his back. That guy WORKED HIS FUCKEN ASS OFF to pull this off. JJ has to much information to share to have that guy in his van resting his back. We need that guy sharing his wealth of information, and let the "young bucks" handle the heavy lifting.
Thanks for all that donated and shared. I know I'll forget names, but a big shout out to @nuggs for being my "co-host" for this event. He ALWAYS welcomes me to his home when I'm in town, and I enjoy his company.
That "pizza box" Shatter that @Jozikins shared was off the hook. My god that boy knows his shit. I'm not a "dabber", so I was loaded to "high heaven" off Jozikins shatter.....well done!
After MANY BBQ's I've finally learned that if you want some of @fumble baked goodies (medicated & non-medicated) you need to get them fast. I grabbed a half dozen of her donut poppers, and some of the brownies and put them away for later that evening. They made a great dessert when I got back to the hotel room. @Grandpapy tamales were terrific, the wife was happy to see that I brought home a half dozen of the left overs.
The "long distance" award went to @Bbcchance from Ohio. Cool as fuck dude and showed up with the right attitude to get his party on. I missed him at the casino that night, but I understand, those BBQ's can take their toll. I hope the dude enjoyed the Emerald Cup, looking forward to the pictures.
Father like son? Check out the picture of @Budddha loving the pig head.
Again, thanks to all who attended and donated, FANTASTIC time, and I'll see you in the springl.
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First trip to the BBQ we had a great time got plenty high & drunk.Just pulled into Salem i was disipointed that i couldnt buy a fifth of Rum seems oregon is a dry state. A big shout out to JJ,nuggs& the crew
Not dry - you have to go to a liquor store. You can't get the hard stuff in a grocery, Next time, stop at that booze barn in Hilt.