Just have to vent a bit, sorry for length


Well-Known Member
Got fired in the end of Sept.
I wasn't a good employee, I own that.
It was good place to work with shit management.
Filed for unemployment, had to have a hearing with an administrative law judge.
She said you're good to go, you asked for help from your management and they didn't help.
So I get the unemployment, YAY!
A couple weeks go by, a letter arrives. WTF? My former employer is contesting the unemployment decision.
They said they would not do that.
Now we get to have another hearing, with another judge. These are phone in hearings.
Call in this morning, and nobody else called in, no judge, no other party. Call the number they give you when there is no one on the call. Nothing..
Way too much fucking stress. I need to go smoke a bowl.
Sorry to hear dude. That's how it works- they can contest it. The workforce commission (it may be called something else in your state) is really on the employee's (your) side of things though, so unless they have good records of you being a dipshit they don't have much of a case.

I don't contest many of my former employees looking for unemployment comp unless they were a fucking degenerate, in which case I keep thorough records of every tardy, every lame excuse, etc.

Something sounds fucked up that no one was on the call today- sure you had the right time/day?
Got fired in the end of Sept.
I wasn't a good employee, I own that.
It was good place to work with shit management.
Filed for unemployment, had to have a hearing with an administrative law judge.
She said you're good to go, you asked for help from your management and they didn't help.
So I get the unemployment, YAY!
A couple weeks go by, a letter arrives. WTF? My former employer is contesting the unemployment decision.
They said they would not do that.
Now we get to have another hearing, with another judge. These are phone in hearings.
Call in this morning, and nobody else called in, no judge, no other party. Call the number they give you when there is no one on the call. Nothing..
Way too much fucking stress. I need to go smoke a bowl.

Dude, I've been there. I've been fired at least 15 times in my life, and I only had one employer contest my unemployment checks. I fucking hate working, and I used to get a job for about 18 months (or as long as it took to fill up my UI bank) then act a fool and have them fire me. I then took a 6 month vacation. So I was off work about a quarter of the time and still getting paid, it was like living in France. I supplemented my this income with performing music, and got to save a nice little nest egg each time before returning to a corporate job. The employer that fought my unemployment HATED me personally, and she brought the company lawyer with her. I didn't stand a chance, I acted a fool a little too much at that gig and it was all meticulously documented. It does not surprise me that no one was on the call, they probably rescheduled it among themselves and left you out of the loop. Because who the fuck are you? Good luck winning your case, when the economy is this bad, I often got a year of UI. In the crash of 2008 almost everyone got 18 months with a requested extension. Hurry, the republicans are coming...
Hey, OP. I've been fired from at least 15 jobs myself. I don't just try to get unemployment but when things go down they go down and sometimes I've just walked out, other times I was fired. I'm not a "yes man." That just isn't me. I don't take bs when I've had enough of it and I can give it as good as I get it. It's just oftentimes, despite being great at my job, my attitude isn't what they're looking for. I recently got fired from a job waiting tables. I landed another job closer to home as a line cook. I hate the job but am glad I landed there because it is much closer and there are three different people there that help me make money outside of work. It was a blessing in disguise that really ended up being a huge surprise. Thank god I developed some gardening skills b/c that is what kept me from getting behind with my bills. You never know where a disappointing moment will lead you; possibly in a better spot than you were before. Try to get your unemployment but actively seek work whilst doing so. Good luck and best wishes. I'll post a funny meme to cheer you up.
That sucks bro. Fuckin hate being on the dole. And hate dealing with idiot management too.

It's kinda lose lose. Until you get bosses who only get pissed off if you spend your day fuck assing about instead of working.

Instead of the knob heads that jump on you for the slightest slow down.