Can we generalize the effect of being High?


Well-Known Member
this is an interesting topic....I was trying to think and see if I could remember if/when something like this came up and was discussed before.....anyhooo.....for me? it takes me to that quiet place, it forces me to go right brain, away from the logical linear thinking of the left brain. Many people have learned to do that ..... my smoke takes me there .... and maybe someday I will learn to go there without smoking, but in the meantime, I'm sure I'll find another good reason to be enjoying the fruits of homegrown labour! cheers folks, and walk on!


Well-Known Member
Its Completely Different for Each Person as an Individual.

Some of my Friends just Daze Out.
Some Talk all the time.
Some Just sit in silence and Think about everything and Anything.
Some Just sit and laugh them selves to death for no Reason.
Some get really paranoid and excited.

You cant ever tell what it will do until you Try it.

Like for me I love to listen to music and talk. I laugh so much i wake up and it feels like ive had an Ab workout.

You just never know.


Active Member
Dude being high definitely makes you think more. but i think its more on the right side of your brain, which means it seems like time goes faster, and its more subconscious, its definitely deeper thought. its a meditational state, it really makes me ask myself questions. mind-opening. :-D


Well-Known Member
I have to agree man, I tend to think ALOT more when I am high. I constantly have some sort of problem that I am trying to figure out or I analyze some sort of situation to its fullest, or I act like a psychiatrist and figure out myself and everyone I can think of.

That and I love to listen to music while high.

With the different abstract ideas that are constantly forming it would be an asset if I could just write them while high, however I cannot articulate efficiently because I cannot find the correct usage of words, so I usually get stuck on the first line because I am going down the list of my vocabulary. And I ramble. And I am high, took me awhile to write this. PEACE


Well-Known Member
It all depends on what mind set I want to be in and what I am doing. One of my favorites is playing darts and guitar hero.


Well-Known Member
damn, would love to feel like you do. i still get high, but not as high as i used to. it also doesnt last as long. Would be cool to stop for a month or two so i could get stupid stoned again.:bigjoint:
lol i kno aint it great to be me but i just think stupid and i luv it lol but it may not be proven but excercising and staying healthy would actually make your high better and more enjoyable besides i oly smoke between a 1/2 o to a o a month so i'm not a crazy stonetr but u can knock on my door and find me high lol


Well-Known Member
Its Completely Different for Each Person as an Individual.

Some of my Friends just Daze Out.
Some Talk all the time.
Some Just sit in silence and Think about everything and Anything.
Some Just sit and laugh them selves to death for no Reason.
Some get really paranoid and excited.

You cant ever tell what it will do until you Try it.

Like for me I love to listen to music and talk. I laugh so much i wake up and it feels like ive had an Ab workout.

You just never know.
All of those reactions support my idea that It makes you think more. Its just different ways people express it. Everybody thinks, but not everyone else knows that because the only way to know if or what someone is thinking is for them to tell you, or express it in some other communicative means. But people dont have to communicate or express their thinking if they choose not to, or simply can't get a grip on it.


Well-Known Member
lol i kno aint it great to be me but i just think stupid and i luv it lol but it may not be proven but excercising and staying healthy would actually make your high better and more enjoyable besides i oly smoke between a 1/2 o to a o a month so i'm not a crazy stonetr but u can knock on my door and find me high lol
yea, i smoke alot too. in a good month, prob about 2 O's


Well-Known Member
i think a very important topic is being addressed here. The point was made that we need a term, or group of terms (like euphoric, although this descriptive word has been given a "bad name" if you will; due to its use when describing the effects of hard drugs like heroine and cocaine) that the entire pot culture can agree on in order to have a basis for arguments against government policy. I personally don't have anything against the term euphoric i think it is apt. However i feel that we should all come together ,regardless of how we say it, let the government know that saying pot is bad in any way shape or form will not be tolerated. There is a thread about a group that is trying to organize a way to let the voice of people in the pot community be heard.check em out, heres a link to the thread


Well-Known Member
i love when i just zone out and day dream

Couldn't have said it better! I sit in my room and listen to the same song over and over and watch the little movies and visuals that play before my eyes when they are closed. If I am not sitting I am standing in front of the speaker swaying back and forth just enjoy the sensation of having a corporeal form and sometimes talking to myself.

But it is all thinking for the whole 4 hours... the first hour is body effects and awe, the second hour is mostly visuals and a little body effect the last 2 hours is just purely enjoying the goodness of everything and the occaisional chuckle. But I use low doses. Last time I got extremely high (more than one bowl) I was floored laughing at the random utterance "Green Cabbage" My friend nearly killed me with that one. That was after he gawked at me for arguing with the dog.

Oh and one last thing, when I am high, I don't like my pets... They are smarmy and manipulative when I'm good and lit.


Well-Known Member
oh I also forgot, Marijuana makes me regress in age. I notice all the ideas and inspirations I get are very similar to the visual creative imagination I had when I was younger. In my "high Bible" I theorized this was a result of marijuana shaving away my layers of memory, causing me to feel more child like, slowly detaching from the addictive way of thinking that comes from being more knowledgeable(a result of learning new things as you grow older) Also explaining why my handwriting and grammar grew increasingly worse lol.

Dr Timothy Leary believed marijuana unlocked the level of consciousness that allowed us to see through multi dimensional space. This doesn't seem too far from what i experience when High. Especially when listening to music in such a new sense that I do when I smoke.


Well-Known Member
Cant class all marijuana highs under one umbrella there is entirely too many different stains and always new ones around the corner...

And i have never "Thought too much" while i am stoned...dunno wht the deal with that is lmao


Well-Known Member
What if we did it like "starbucs". have you ever asked someone at starbucs to describe how a certain coffee tastes. they have a long list of descriptive words the corporate office has approved for the description of the taste of different blends. Each strain could then be classified by a taste and we would then have to associate certain tastes with certain effects. "the fruity and berry tasting stains give me the munchies more than the herbier tasting strains" ... or something like that... what do you think


Active Member
Wow we must have very similar highs because I think SO much when I'm high, sometimes way to hard. And also with the thoughts relating to when I was younger, especially when I'm falling asleep. Even though I'm still pretty young.


Well-Known Member
Cant class all marijuana highs under one umbrella there is entirely too many different stains and always new ones around the corner...

And i have never "Thought too much" while i am stoned...dunno wht the deal with that is lmao
So Then what does marijuana do to you? If there are different effects for different strains, than describe as many as you can. I'm not here to argue with anyone, I started this topic so I could collect people's thoughts.

Also when trying to describe what marijuana(or whatever strain) does to you, try to break it down into the most fundamental effect that you can. Like if, you say when you smoke you enjoy talking or watching movies more, than try to introspect and try to think about WHY it makes you do those things.


Well-Known Member
oh I also forgot, Marijuana makes me regress in age. I notice all the ideas and inspirations I get are very similar to the visual creative imagination I had when I was younger. In my "high Bible" I theorized this was a result of marijuana shaving away my layers of memory, causing me to feel more child like, slowly detaching from the addictive way of thinking that comes from being more knowledgeable(a result of learning new things as you grow older) Also explaining why my handwriting and grammar grew increasingly worse lol.

Dr Timothy Leary believed marijuana unlocked the level of consciousness that allowed us to see through multi dimensional space. This doesn't seem too far from what i experience when High. Especially when listening to music in such a new sense that I do when I smoke.
dude ur last posts hjit the nail on the head man! i thoughts u culdn't generalise, but damn u sure got close lol